She Said, She Did

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written: 17th of May,

gore scenes follow.
do not attempt to read
if you're not up to this
kind of genre.

There you go. Another battle to face.

This night is the most memorable, I think. And maybe the worst one.

I have never been on this place and not used to my environment, but how can I say no? It's an opportunity for someone like me who have been finding a job.

Now, that I already had it in my hands, I will do my best. There's no turning back.

Everything seems to be calm. The cicadas are on tune again that makes it more of having a camp in a living greenery. The nature's still tries to survive to what's happening right now, and I could feel the peace.

But, I feel the opposite. My coworkers already fell asleep and I'm now alone here outside.

Dead silence.

I tried to distract myself not to conclude from what I have felt. Maybe, I am just seeing things as I think of them.

Then, by these hours, a little girl came. She asked me why am I still awake, and I said I am the one who should ask that question. It's getting late and why would she roam here? She also mentioned that she doesn't have parents or anyone who could take care of her. She only have her grandfather, that's on his ill state.

I suggested that she should go home now, maybe her grandfather's looking for her.

But, she remained quiet. And, starts to narrate more.

"I love my grandpa very much."

I see it in her eyes.

"You know, he's always telling me that I am his treasure, until his death."

"I am very happy when I learned that from him."

She told me more about his grandfather, until we're talking about something she really knows but appropriate in her age, which made me feel uneasy.

"What does it feels like to be dead?"

Why is she asking that kind of question? Maybe, she wanted to feel the afterlife, but it's not the right time for that.

"I wanted to feel it. Like this."

She grabbed my pen and suddenly stabs her chest, but it's not sharp enough to penetrate on her skin. I tried to get it from her but she badly want it. There's a ladder nearby, and it seems it's where she is heading to.

I tried to stop her but she only smiled at me.

"Maybe, a jump will make me bring to death?"

I pulled her down but she has a strong hold. Trying to jump without any count, I'm still pulling her shirt while she fell clumsily and keeping a grasp on the ladder. Her legs were up on the air, body's stuck on a step, while keeping her head up high even if it's hard for her to turn her body.

"Let me go, please. I just wanted to feel it."

After she have settled herself, another idea came to her mind.

"I would love to see myself being cut but no one's willing to do it for me."

I ran as fast as I could and his all of the knives in the kitchen. But, I am too late when I came back and saw her cutting herself already.

You should stop it!

She smiled bitterly. No tears from her eyes, but only fear.

A cut to each of her wrists, then to her exposed flesh, and every skin. She was covered with blood, more deep cuts. Tip of her tongue was separated from its part, just fell to the ground. Her clothes are bathed with her liquid, and what will you see by your own eyes is a picture of a monster, with its heart still hanging on.

For one last moment, I could see her ribs, and her healthy heart pumping faster.


"I just wanted to feel be treasured. Maybe on the next life, I could feel it."

Her heart's at rest. And so, she is.

And, the next day, I found out, she killed her grandfather.

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