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15th of July, 2022

          It was all of a sudden. No one has no clue when and where did it start, and what really is the purpose of this game.

                                        🎭HE IS MONOKUMA!

          The master and principal of this secret university. No one can defeat him, he might explode out of your violence, or attempt to escape without even completing the missions! It wasn't easy! How cruel it was that he had still this giddy composure even if the walls are painted with blood and unpredictable turn of fate?!

                                        🎭KILL, OR BE KILLED.

          That’s the challenge you will have when you are now at this point. You cannot read their minds if they really wish to survive in this hell or will not do inhumane acts. This game challenged every characters that were broadcasted on live, amidst the uncertainties going on outside.

                                       🎭HUNGER FOR FREEDOM.

          We all wanted to be free. But, in hard times like this, you have to do something, either risk yourself to do a horrible act, or have a strong faith with your companions. It’s so hard to trust people, who among them does have a pure intention, and who are greedy with the chance given, selfish as wanted them to be killed in order for self-salvation.

                              As the game
                   is at its peak, despair
    will start to eat you alive. The game
itself burns you, consumes every hope you
have. When darkness tries to whisper discouragement,
the only thing you will only see is the desperation to
turn things right by your hands without thinking others.
  they all have seen their loved ones been killed on
          tape, no one doesn't want to happen
                   those... but, hold on. This
                           doesn't end here.

                               “H O P E.”

I must say. You should fight that feeling inside you, always see there’s bright future ahead. Believe, even if it seems impossible. Despair is just a word for those who have the courage despite of these unending misfortunes.

           🌻HOLD your breath for a second, then release it. Close your eyes, then continue on the track! HELP others when they feel hopeless. You can be a beacon of light to others. Monobear hates those people who are too kind to them. Keep it up!

           🌻ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. Don’t lean too much on the darkness. It can swallow you until you don’t know yourself. Does hurting others make a person strong? No. There’s a lot of people who are too strong but are driven by wrath that they could hurt others intentionally or unintentionally. Be cool. Don’t rush. Having a relaxed mind despite of chaos can think critically. Monokuma really likes intelligent minds, but what's cool enough? Hope is smarter than a very crazy science invention!

           🌻PRAY. For your peace of mind, talk to Him. Let Him listen to your silent cries and He will calm you. Monobear doesn’t recognize such powerful Creator of all things. Does he know there’s more than him? It is God. He planted Hope in our hearts, we just have to keep it to ourselves to be resilient from all the wickedness. He will give you strength, you have Him by your side.

          🌻EAGERNESS to do good for all, ELEVATE everyone’s light within their hearts, and EMBRACE each flaws to learn everyone’s unique personalities. The Scripture says in Matther 5:16: “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” That beautiful verse clearly tells us that we have the way to show good things for them, keep doing what needs to be done, not in a selfish manner but could change them for better. Your light can spread to all of them, don’t stop to do what’s right, and the reward awaits you at the end of the journey, together with those who believe in you and in Him.

Monokuma, who brings despair.
Monokuma wants to be above all.
Monokuma says he’s the strongest.
Monokuma laughs when he sees us trembling.

But not now. And to the coming days. You are the hope, and his game will end.

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