1.35- My Boyfriend Rejects the Snow Queen

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Now, I am not one to brag in people's faces or say "I told you so"... but I told you so.

All I can say is that I've had bad vibes about her since the beginning... and not just because I was jealous of the attention she received at the time from my soon-to-be-boyfriend.

I mean when an evil Elsa lady makes threatening remarks, you probably want to consider the fact that she might be actually evil.

"What've you done?" Jason demanded. See that statement should not have been funny to me, but my brain works in odd ways. It took everything in me to not reply 'she turned Thalia into a statue Jason, don't you have eyes'. But, I gave Jason the benefit of doubt and assumed he meant 'what are all of the evil things you've done' and not just 'what'd you do to my sister'. 

"Oh, so many things," the snow goddess said, her french accent causing the statement to come out rather- sultry. "Your sister's not dead, if that's what you mean. She and her Hunters will make fine toys for our wolves. I thought we'd defrost them one at a time and hunt them down for amusement. Let them be the prey for once."

Can you say 'psycho'!?

Her wolves apparently liked that idea very much, and growled to show their approval.

"Yes, my dears." Khione was staring at Jason, probably imagining him as a statue. "Your sister almost killed their king, you know. Lycaon's off in a cave somewhere, no doubt licking his wounds, but his minions have joined us to take revenge for their master. And soon Porphyrion will arise, and we shall rule the world."

I feel like Khione is setting herself up for disappointment, seeing as there's a 90% chance that Porphyrion is using her. But I mean that's a lovely plan on her part and I hope she has a lovely time watching us defeat her. (Also I'm not trying to foreshadow anything I did, just expressing my thoughts as I listened to her ramble.)

"Traitor!" Hera shouted. "You meddlesome, D-list goddess! You aren't worthy to pour my wine, much less rule the world." 

See, Hera needed to rethink how she communicated with people. Yelling at the person who is holding you captive is just a terrible idea.

Khione sighed. "Tiresome as ever, Queen Hera. I've been wanting to shut you up for millennia."  Khione waved her hand, causing ice to close in. 

"That's better," the snow goddess said. "Now, demigods, about your death—" 

"You're the one who tricked Hera into coming here," Jason said. "You gave Zeus the idea of closing Olympus." Oh dear gods above.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Jason. But the boy can be so slow sometimes. He's going to get himself killed one day.

The wolves snarled, and the storm spirit horse things whinnied, as if saying "Hey, can we attack these people now?" but Khione held up her hand. "Patience, my loves. If he wants to talk, what matter? The sun is setting, and time is on our side. Of course, Jason Grace. Like snow, my voice is quiet and gentle, and very cold. It's easy for me to whisper to the other gods, especially when I am only confirming their own deepest fears. I also whispered in Aeolus's ear that he should issue an order to kill demigods. It is a small service for Gaea, but I'm sure I will be well rewarded when her sons the giants come to power." 

"You could've killed us in Quebec," Jason said. "Why let us live?" 

I elbowed him. "Jason that's a terrible question." Yes, it was valid. But you don't ask the murderous snow queen why she hasn't killed you... that's just asking for it.

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