2.19- Ellie's on Drugs

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~ Χέιζελ ~

Hazel felt like the least qualified person to be in her current situation. After waking from being thrown overboard and knocked unconscious, she had met a multitude of mermaids, who all instantly loved her. After several interesting conversations with these mermaids she was then escorted to some kind of underwater sickbay, being left there without any further instructions, and finding an unconscious Elara Jackson there.

Oh, Elara Jackson. Hazel had to admit that when she first saw the girl, clinging to the side of a boy that looked like her first love, she was heartbroken. Elara was a lot of things, and gorgeous had to be at the top of the list. The girl had a way of making Hazel feel less than. Not on purpose, of course, but it seemed that the more she got to know Elara Jackson, the more perfect she seemed. She was funny, beautiful, talented... powerful. In a way, Hazel looked up to her.

The girl in question was beginning to stir, and Hazel had no idea what she was supposed to do. She desperately looked around, praying to the gods that someone could come in and help.

As if answering her prayer, a woman walked— scratch that, floated— into the room. Hazel's eyes widened, staring at the tail, yes, like a mermaid, and two forelegs... like a centaur, that the woman had. "I see your friend is awaking, Hazel Levesque." The woman had purple skin, and her hair was dark blue. "My name is Korálli."

"Oh. Hello!" Hazel wasn't sure what else to say, and she looked back towards the stirring brunette. "Is-Is Elara okay?"

"Elara Jackson will be fine. She seems to be waking up as we speak. When we found her, she was severely injured. My guess is that she hit something with extreme force, as she had a multitude of broken bones." Hazel winced, remembering the way Elara had hit the side of the railing before the tentacle had pushed her overboard. Korálli must have noticed Hazel's expression, because she quickly spoke to reassure her. "Do not fret, Hazel Levasque. We have mended Elara Jackson to the best of our abilities. Be warned however, her brain may still be under the effects of the healing magic when she wakes up."

"What does that me—"

Hazel was cut off by an incoherent set of mumbling as Elara's eyes slowly opened and she sat up shakily. "Wuzz hapnin?" She asked softly. Hazel's eyebrows furrowed as she noticed the glazed expression of Elara's eyes. She looked... drunk.

"My colleagues Révma and Fyki will be back in a little while to bring you to your friends Frank Zhang and Leo Valdez in a few moments. I wish the both of you safe travels."

With that Korálli swam away. "Leooooo" Ellie giggled. "That mermaid lady said Leo!"

"She did." Hazel said carefully, slightly unnerved. She had never seen Elara this... childish. Or... happy? She wasn't really sure what to do.

"I realllllly like Leo." Elara said with a goofy grin. Then, her smile fell. "I hope he doesnt go away."

"Leo's not going anywhere." Hazel reassured her. She had seen the way Leo treated Elara. He'd do anything in the world to stay by her side forever.

"Ethan said that too. Said he was gonna love me forevvver and ever. Butthen he wentaway." Elara's eyes got big, and she looked... vulnerable for a moment, so unlike the Elara Jackson that Hazel was used to. "Leo doesnt know bout Ethan. 'm scared he'd get mad cuz I didn't tell him. Theres lotsa things I havent told him yet like Luke and—"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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