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Brooklyn sat on the end of the bed, Kevious looked at her from the couch. He was smoking which wasn't allowed but y'all know him.

"So what?"

"You really never told me why you were after Sergio."

"I did, he owes me money."

"No, it's something deeper than that..it has to be."

He took a moment to respond. He was trying to process his thoughts and if he really wanted to tell her.

"I supplied him with weapons, the money was straight until he fell short once. I let the shit slide and I guess he felt like shit was sweet when I got locked up."

Brooklyn crossed her arms thinking about Sergio and his money. He was never stingy with it when it came to her but she did hear rumors about him owing people.

"How long does he have to get you your money?"

"A week now."

He looked over at her, he didn't realize how much he was allowing her in on his life.

"You going back to this nigga?" He asked standing. She furrowed her eyebrows, watching him closely.

"No. Call me dumb or whatever but this time he hurt me a lot."

Instead of judging, he nodded. He understood how she felt, though he didn't agree with this being her breaking point.

"What you wearing to the casino?" He questioned.

"I didn't bring anything to wear there. All I have is crop tops and regular shirts."

"Means I got to spend more money on you." He shook his head. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and looked at the devices he had sitting out.

She realized that this casino event was very public and there was a possibility that Sergio would recognize her.

"You know if this nigga see me, that's my ass right?"

"Guess it's just gone be yo ass."

"Such an asshole."
"You're safe, don't worry."

Morgan focused her attention on Brooklyn whom she still was suspicious of. Although she helped her, she was still skeptical.

"I just um..." She trailed off seemingly nervous to talk.

The two were still at the hotel, just at one of the restaurants getting food. Brooklyn noticed that she was uncomfortable so she spoke up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Brooklyn asked, she rubbed her arm nodding a bit.

"How old are you?"


"Wow...if you don't mind how did you end up with that guy?"

It took her a moment, she was scared to say too much. Somehow, he'd always find her and just know she told someone.

"I really need to know if I'm protected...I don't want to go back to him."

"You're protected, I promise I won't let him or anyone else take you."

She nodded and twirled the straw around in her lemonade.

"When I was 14, he was at one of my mom's parties. She always had parties or gatherings because she was a fun person. But the fun is what took most of her attention so I decided to run away."


"A-and he saw me running, so he stopped me and told me to get inside because he knew my dad. I knew it was strange but he had been around before so I got inside. He took me to his house and said that my dad would show up in a few days. He never came so I was stuck there because my mom never came looking for me. I assume I really didn't mean much to her."

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