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"You like it?"

Brooklyn walked around her new place. She could tell Kevious had definitely chose something he liked, everything was black.

"Yes, you sure this wasn't too much money? "

Kevious knew she'd say that, she was always worrying if he was spending too much.

"Before I got locked up I built homes with my uncle. He died when I was locked up, since I was like a son he left all his money to me."

He paused thinking about his life before getting locked up. Shaking the thoughts away, he continued.

"He had a couple millions, so I'm good on money."

"He always built houses?"

"Yeah, but he was into the drug business too. He tried to get me to join but I didn't want to. Plus, his past caught up with him."

Brooklyn nodded with a sudden feeling of nausea. She backed back a bit, Kevious watched attentively.

"You alright?"

"Mhm." She walked over to the sink. He furrowed his eyebrows walking towards her.

He placed his hands on her waist, slowly moving them towards her stomach.

"You need to go to the doctor, you've been like this all weekend."

Her heartbeat sped up at the thought of being pregnant. She had recently taken a birth control pill so she blamed it on that.

"No, it's the birth control."

His attention went on his ringing phone. It was an unknown number, he thought about who could be possibly be calling him.

"Who this?"

Brooklyn could tell it was someone that stressed him out. His facial expression was tight as he focused his eyes on the floor.

He didn't say much, just a few okays but one thing in particular caught her off guard.

"I'll handle him."

He ended the call before making his way over to her.

Brooklyn looked in his eyes, trying to figure out his mood.

"Everything okay?"

He nodded wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You sure? We can talk about it."

"Yeah. Come on let's go, we'll move some of your stuff in tomorrow."

She bit down on her lip still wanting to know what was wrong. There was a shift in his mood but she didn't say anything more.
Next Day💥

"So is it the birth control side effects?"

Brooklyn sat in the doctor's office with her doctor. He read over her test results and then looked at her.

"How recently did you take the pill?"

"Since it's Christmas Eve, it would be 8 days ago. Is something wrong?"

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