It Was A Dream

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Jimins pov

"JIMIN!!! WAKE UP!!!" I sit up quickly breathing heavily.
I look around and see jungkook sat next to me looking at me shocked and worried. I stare at him "w-wha-"

He gently brushes some hair out my face "you were having a wild everything okay?" I look around "w-we're at home?" he nods "yes?"

I then look at his belly "wait...i-im so confused. Where is daejung?" he tilts his head "at school? And Mia is also at school and then Hana and jungmin are asleep in their room" I stare at him "jungmin and Hana?"

He nods "the twins?" my eyes widen "twins?!" he giggles "oh hyung...they've stressed you out too much and you had a strange nightmare and have forgotten things"

I look around "shit..." i stand up from the bed and then walk to the twins room and see our son and daughter asleep in their cribs.
I let our a breath and then smile remembering everything " was all a dream"

I walk back out and back to jungkook "it was all a dream..." he tilts his head and I sit next to Him "I dreamt that you were in hospital with daejun" he giggles "daejun is almost four now, his last hospital appointment was for his vaccination"

I nod "I must have been asleep for ages" he nods "you were asleep for two days...I called a paramedic and they said you were fine, you've only just gotten back from almost a year of traveling so you were so tired so I just let you sleep"
I nod again "I see..."

I can't believe it was all a dream!

We have twins and daejun and of course Mia. I can't believe it was all a dream. It felt so real!

I look over at jungkook and then nod "I can't believe it was a dream...i just feel silly now" he giggles "well you don't have to worry, the twins are okay. Mia and daejung are okay and we are happily married" I smile looking at our hands seeing wedding rings.
I nod "you're right...whatever triggered that dream is over now.."

He nods and then pecks my lips "get the twins, we're needed at the library" I smile and nod "okay"
I walk and pick up the twins. We put our shoes on and then we make our way to the library.

We arrive at the library and we walk inside. Jungkook smiles "the children would like to hear a story from us, wanna tell them?" I smile "oh I have an amazing story to tell" we both sit down and jungkook holes Hana while I hold jungmin

The children sit in front of us and I begin "this story is about a library that made a princess find her Prince" jungkook giggles a little and I begin to tell the story.

It was all a dream...
Everything is okay..

I guess anything can be a dream when you're a part of the library of dreams...
But this is where my biggest dream came true, I found someone who loves me and I've had a family and we are all happy..
That is all that matters to me..


Library Of Dreams ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now