ice cream

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Jungkooks pov

I close my eyes and sigh.
I jump when someone sits opposite me, I open my eyes to see jimin and Mia, I blush a little "sorry.."
He tilts his head "why are you apologising?"
I look up at him "I made things weird.."

He shakes his head "no you didn't..." I nod "I did..your employee thought we were in a must be angry...your wife-"
Mia moves to sit on my lap. I smile a little and wrap my arms around her.
Jimin chuckles "my wife...I got a divorce...years ago...I found her with another man"

My eyes widen "I'm so sorry..." He shrugs "I don't care....anyways! What ice cream do you want Princess?" Mia looks at me "what ice cream do you want?" I blush "he was talking to you" Mia giggles "oopsie! Sorry Kookie...hmmmm Appa can I have a chocolate one?"

Jimin nods "of course... jungkook do you want anything?" I shake my head "no im okay thank you" he tilts his head "you sure? You seemed like you wanted some earlier", I sigh "I can't afford it, I realize today I have to pay rent....and the water bill...and also get the bus home...maybe another day..."

He shakes his head "nonsense! What ice cream do you want?" I shake my head "I don't want one" he Huff's "fine I'll suprise you" he stands up. I huff and watch him walk to the counter
Mia giggles "Appa likes you" I blush "what?" She nods "Appa...he never buys things for no one! He always only for me...he likes you"

I shake my head "I'm sure it's just cause I'm friends with you" she shakes her head "nope! He never buys nothing for may"
Maybe he feels bad for me....
I sigh and look down....
Mia pouts and then gasps "Kookie! Can I do your hair?" I nod "okay",

She stands up on the chair next to me and starts to play with my hair "Kookie? What do you think about my Appa?", I shrug "he's very kind isn't he?...and very handsome-" I gasp a little and cover my mouth,I look down and bite my lip....why did I say that?!

Jimin walks back over and sits down "what you two talking about?" Mia looks at him "you" he chuckles "what about me?"
I cut Mia off before she can speak again "nothing! It was nothing...haha kids right?... funny things"
I look at him and he raises an eyebrow "okay?"

Mia sits down next to me and hugs my arm. I smile and play with her hair.
Jimin smirks "you're good with kids...have you got your own?" I shake my head "no...I don't think I could ever have one either....its my dream to have a family...a daughter...a nice home....but you know-"

Mia cuts me off "dreams always come true just need to dream harder", I nod "I'll try Mia....I will" I smile.
She hugs my arm tighter and then moves to sit on my lap. I wrap my arms around her

Jimin smiles "is the storytelling your only job?", I nod "yeah...I can't get a job anywhere else...I'm only 18" his eyes widen "you're 18? Shouldn't you be in collage" I nod "technically yes...but...I can't afford it"
A woman brings our ice creams over, j
She hands them all to jimin and then walks away.

Jimin hands Mia and chocolate cone and then hands me a mint chocolate one. I smile "thank you... I'll pay you back when I have the money...maybe...uh...oh! I get paid that okay?"
He shakes his head " don't need to pay me's just ice cream" I sigh "but I don't want you wasting money on me"

Mia pouts "Kookie...why you so sad about yourself? You're like the boy in the story..", I sigh and look down. Jimin sighs "that's because you are aren't you"
I put the ice cream down and put mia down next to me "I have to leave...I'll see you tomorrow?" Mia looks at jimin who nods.
I pull out my wallet and put the money I had in front of jimin "that's for being so nice and buying me ice cream...sorry I can't eat it"

He goes to speak bit I walk away and out the parlor and start to walk home.

Jimins pov

I see jungkook walk away and down the street, I sigh.
Mia gasps "Appa! Kookie left his bag" we holds the bag up.
I take it from her and sigh "he's going to need this...we would return it", she nods

We both take our ice creams, I put the money jungkook put in front of me back in his bag and then walk out.
Mia looks at me "how will we find Kookie?" I shrug "not to sure...maybe uncle Min can help", she gasps "yeah!"

I Chuckle and we walk to my office which was he top floor of a 35 story building.
We arrive in my office and then we both walk to yoongis office which was a floor below mine. I walk In with Mia walking next to me "HYUNG!"
There is a groan followed by yoongis voice "ON THE COUCH!"

I huff and walk over to him "hyung...I need you to see who jeon Jungkook is" he laughs "jeon jungkook?....that kid?... he's still around here?", I tilt my head "you know him?" He nods "best friends me and jungkook were...until his father kicked him out...I even helped him move into his new he still at the flat? is he?...still childish?"

I huff "stop, I need to return his bag and I don't know where he lives" Yoongi stands up "I can show you where I helped him move into....but no promises he still lives there....wait pass me his bag"
I pass him the bag and he opens it, I gasp "you shouldn't do that!" Yoongi rolls his eyes "relax"

He chuckles "still a child...just like all those years ago...let's go"
I chuck the rest of my ice cream away and pick Mia up and follow yoongi
I follow yoongi to a small block of flats that look abandoned...
Oh this poor boy...he can't live here.
I follow yoongi inside the building and up some flights of stairs to a room

"This is the room"

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