one day

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Jungkooks pov

"M-mia...your appa is in the shower I can't get it for you" I try and stop Mia pushing me to jimins bathroom door.

Mia shakes her head "just gooooooooo! Knock on the door!"
I pout "why can't you get it?"
Mia ignores me. I gasp when I trip over something, I whine "owie...."
I fell on my butt.

I look at Mia who was giggling "sorry Kookie! Oooooh what's this?" Mia picks up the thing I fell over.
I look at it "oh that?... That's a gift box....looks like a small one...maybe holds a ring?"
Mia gasps and opens it "Kookie lookie" she pulls out a ring and I smile

maybe holds a ring?" Mia gasps and opens it "Kookie lookie" she pulls out a ring and I smile

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"It's very pretty",
I hear the shower water stop. I grab the ring and put it back in the box and Chuck the box onto his bed and then stand up quickly. Mia giggles "Appa is done now"
I nod "so go get your necklace"

I hear the door unlock. I quickly look down when the door opens fully.
I hear jimin chuckle "I guess you two were can I help you both?"
Mia giggles "do you have my necklace?" Jimin tilts his head "the one your eomma got you?", Mia nods.

Jimin nods " you want it?", Mia nods again "yes please Appa!"
Jimin chuckles and I look up at little and blush seeing him with only a white towel around his waist.
He walks to bedside draws and opens the top one and then pulls out a small pink bag, he hands it to Mia.

Mia looks at me "Kookie, can you sit down looking at the door? And close your eyes?",
I gulp "I uh....okay?"
I sit down on the floor in front of her facing away from her, I hesitate but close my eyes.

I gasp a little when she puts a necklace on me.
She giggles "open them!"
I open my eyes and look down a little seeing the necklace on me

 She giggles "open them!" I open my eyes and look down a little seeing the necklace on me

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I look at her "Mia I...I appreciate it...but your eomma gave this to should-"
She shakes her head "'s yours now! Why won't you be my eomma Kookie...I need you kookie!"

She wraps her arms around my neck hugging me tightly. I Wrap my arms around her and look at jimin who smiles. I blush and look away.

I pull Mia away from me a little "listen to me princess okay?" She nods. I look at her "one day....your appa will find a eomma for you...she will love you like her own....and one day you will love her will fall asleep cuddling with her and you will bake cakes... dance around in the kitchen....annoy Appa all day long....and"

I tuck some of her hair behind her ear "one won't need me anymore...I'll be gone....and you'll be all grown up.... you'll have your appa and new eomma who will love you and spoil you....and maybe you'll have a baby brother or sister!.....we will always be friends matter what!....your appa is an amazing person that will do anything to make you happy....I'm sure he's looking for an eomma for you...."

Mia has tears rolling down her cheeks "but....but I don't want you to go....I think....I think I'll always need you"
I bite my lip to stop me from crying. I kiss her head "one day you won't need me because you'll be all grown up.... you'll be too focused on Appa and eomma....but I will always be with you Mia....and your appa"

I look at jimin who was looking at the both of us.
I hug Mia and then stand up holding her, she cries "I don't want you to ever go Kookie!" I sigh and rub her back, she then yawns. I look at jimin "I'll uh...go put her to bed"
Jimin nods "thank you.... I'll be out to the lounge in a few seconds" I nod.

I then walk to Mia's room and lay her down on the bed and tuck her in.
She grabs my hand "don't go like my eomma did Kookie....I want you as my eomma....please Kookie..."
She closes her eyes and I hear faint snores.
I kiss her head "goodnight princess..."

I stand up and walk to the lounge to see jimin sat on the couch in grey sweatpants and a black tank top.
I take a deep breath and then sit down on another couch.

Jimin looks at me "jungkook....I'm sorry for what Mia is must make you uncomfortable",
I look at him and shake my head "no it's fine....she just wants a mother....I understand how she feels....I'm sure she's like this to many people"
Jimin shakes his head "no,just you...",

I look down "I'm must be annoying for you....your daughter wanting a complete stranger to be her mother....I can try and tell her to stop"
Jimin sighs "no it's alright, as long as it's alright with you I honestly don't mind her wanting you as a mother....maybe we should get to know one another more? So it's not so awkward",

I nod "sounds good..."
He pats the seat next to him "you don't have to sit so far away"
I hesitate but stand up and then sit down on the same couch as him but the other end of it.

He looks at me "so...uh let's get to know one another", I nod "yeah....


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