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Jungkooks pov

We arrive at a beautiful eyes widen "whoa...."

Jimin chuckles "it's nice isn't it?

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Jimin chuckles "it's nice isn't it?....shall we go Inside?", I nod.
We climb out the car. I gasp a little when two women walk up to us,one in a white dress and one in a black dress.

I hesitate but step behind jimin. Jimin smiles "congratulations you two! You guys are so cute together!", I gulp. Jimin turns to me "jungkook, these are the brides....jiyeon and Hyomin"

I nod "it's uh.... lovely to meet you", jiyeon shakes my hand and smiles "jimin is this your significant other....we did invite you and your significant other?" Jimin shakes his head "uh this is-" I cut him off and nod "im his boyfriend it's amazing to meet you!....",

Jimin looks at me and I smile at him. Hyomin giggles "well it's lovely to meet you...please have an amazing time here.... We'll come find you both later?" I nod "sounds amazing" they both smile and walk away.

I look at jimin "sorry for saying we're's's easier to say yes instead of no....then people don't judge as much...", He nods "I understand don't apologize"
I look down "so uh....what now?" He grabs my hand "let's go get a drink",

He pulls me inside the house and grabs two glasses of wine, he hands one to me and let's go of my hand.
I hesitate but take a sip of wine and gasp a little when jimin drinks his like it's water.

Jimin looks around "don't look so awkward kook.... you're fine" I nod "I know I's just....I'm a bit self conscious....that's all", he Huff's and then grabs my hand making me put my gkass down.
He pulls me to jiyeon and whispers something to her.

She smirks and nods and then points to the stairs "second door on the left" jimin nods and pulls me up the stairs to the door she had just said.
He opens the door and I tilt my head "why are we in the bedroom?",

He sits me on the bed in the middle of the room and then shuts the door and stands in front of me "I'm going to tell you how amazing you are so you won't be so self conscious!"

I shake my head "you don't have to do that I'm just a pathetic-"
I gasp when he pins me down to the bed.
He shakes his head "no! You aren't! You're amazing!! And beautiful! Whoever made you feel like this is wrong!!"

I sigh " don't need to lie-", he cuts me off "I'm not lying! Believe me! You are fucking gorgeous! would be better if everyone was like you!! You're always happy and matter what happens you're always looking at the bright're amazing with kids and always try and make everyone are the candle in the darkness....the stars in the sky.... everything about you is amazing"

My breath hitches when he puts his hand on my thigh "you shouldnt be self conscious about your thighs....many girls would KILL to have a body like yours..." His hand travels up to my waist, he looks at me "a small waist...thick thighs...many girls would love a body like should never think bad about your body again"

I tear up a little "jimin i-", he cuts me off again "since I met you jungkook you have helped me with are my reason to make me laugh when I've had a stressful day at work....Mia adores you....I adore you and so do the hyungs....please realize're gorgeous....from head to toe...inside and're the most stunning person I have ever met....the red rose in the field of white're unique and....and i love you....uh- I mean....loads of people love you"

Tears roll down my cheeks "nobody has ever said these things to me" he sighs "they should have.....they're all true....I have never lied and never will lie...." He stands up "sorry....I got carried away..." I sit up and pull my dress down a little.

I grab his hands "jimin?" He nods "yeah?" I smile "I love you too by the way....thank you..." He gasps "you do?" I nod.

I stand up and then gasp when he pushes me down again. I tilt my head "wha-" he puts his finger against my lips quieting me.
He moves his finger and then pushes me gently so I'm led down. He hovers over me with his hands either side of my head.

He gulps and looks down at me. I huff and grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down to me and kiss him. He kisses back straight away and I wrap my arms around his neck.

We haven't really been at the party but tonight was amazing.....I didn't think he thought those things about me.....I thought he hated me....
And he loves me.....I'm so glad.......I just hope this isn't a dream as well......

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