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Jungkooks pov

We arrive back home and i giggle seeing Mia jumping on the couches with taehyung.
Jimin Huff's "sometimes I question how old taehyung he two or not"

I smile "they're bonding..."
We walk inside. Mia gasps "APPA!! KOOKIE!!" I gasp when suddenly Mia jumps on me. I hold her up and giggle "hello princess....had fun?" She nods and hugs me tighter "did you guys have fun at the party?!"

We both nod.
Jimin wraps one arm around my waist making me blush a little.
Taehyung gasps "youre together?" I look at jimin who nods "yeah....don't tell the others though..."

Mia squeals "KOOKIE IS MY EOMMA!!!!"
She jumps down and taehyung picks her up.

Jimin Huff's and steps back "this is gonna be a nightmare" I nod "what did you really expect though?"
I lean my head on his shoulder and smile.

All the others walk out to us. Hoseok gasps "you're together?" I nod "yeah..."
Namjoon Huff's "why couldn't you wait two more days"

Namjoon hands Jin some money. Yoongi chuckles "I'm happy for you fucking when we're in the house though...." I blush deep red "hyung we won't be doing any of that" Jin smirks "20$ says they do it in a week"

Namjoon nods "deal" jimin laughs. I roll my eyes "we are not having this discussion while there is a  child all of you go bathe in holy water" they all laugh and I pick Mia up "come on princess....I'll take you away from tbese devils"

I walk to her bedroom and my eyes widen "uh.....JIMIN!!!"
There is a woman sat on Mia's bed.
Mia hugs me tighter hiding her face.
The woman looks at me and glares at me "who the FUCK are you?"

Jimin sprints up to us and gasps "shit.....










Hello Suzy....what are you doing here?"
I stand behind jimin.the woman smiles "my handsome husband! Long time no see! I'm here to see my daughter....why is that thing behind you hugging her!!"

Mia's grip tightens around me. I kiss her head and whisper "it's okay princess...she won't get you....calm down"
Jimin crosses his arms "because he is Mia's new did you get into my house?"

The woman walks towards jimin "through the window obviously....and WHO IS THAT BITCH HOLDING MY DAUGHTER!!...GIVE HER TO ME!"
She pushes past jimin and tries to get to mia. I hold Mia close to me and kick her backwards "don't come near her!"

The woman glares at me "give me my daughter!!" I shake my head "she doesn't want to see you! You abandoned her at a young age and you really expect her to jump into your arms?!! Get some brains woman!! You can't just abandon a kid and then assume they'll still love you after years and years of being without you!!! And breaking into her house doesn't help anything!!! you're scaring her!"

The woman shakes her head "Mia baby come to eomma" Mia shakes her head "Kookie is my eomma....not you....go away" the woman glares at me "YOU will pay for this...." Jimin stands in front of me "Suzy you do ANYTHING to him then I will make sure you end up in prison for leave him out of this.... he's done nothing to deserve your get out my house before I call the police"

She glares at me again and then walks out the house slamming the door.
I look at Mia who was crying while gripping my dress tightly.
I kiss her head and rub her back "do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?" Mia nods "i-im so scared eomma....why was she so scary?"

I sigh "don't think about her now alright princess....Appa will cuddle with us as well okay? We'll forget all about her and we'll have a cuddle party" I look at jimin "lock Everything....make sure she can't get in anymore....Mia is terrified" he nods "I will....I'll be back in a second okay? I need to tell the others" I nod.

I walk to jimins bedroom making Mia giggle a little. I put her on the bed and grab one of jimins hoodies. I change into the hoodie and my boxers.
I walk back to Mia and lay down on jimins bed. Mia lays on my chest cuddling me. I wrap my arms around her and smile.

She falls asleep almost instantly. I kiss her head "sleep well and Appa are here..."
Jimin walks in and closes the door quietly. He looks at me and smiles "the others are staying over tonight...."

He changes into some sweatpants and a white shirt and then lays down next to me.
He wraps his arm around both me and Mia and kisses Mia's head "I'll make sure she doesn't come back baby....I'm sorry"

I giggle "don't blame yourself jimin.... whoever she was able was just being a clingy long as she is kept away from Mia we dont have to worry.... we're a family,you and Mia"
He kisses my head and nods "a family.....yeah"

Slowly we both fall asleep....
Why did his ex-wife suddenly just show up....and how did she know where jimin lived.....
I have so many questions.....
Mia really doesn't like her....I'll make sure Mia is safe and happy....that's my priority.....

But still.....I'm so confused.....maybe I should ask Jimin tomorrow....

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