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A few days later

Jungkooks pov





"I'll get the injection...." I look at jimin and namjoon who were stood the other side of the kitchen table while the others were all in the lounge. Jimin tilts his head "wait really?" I nod "yeah....Mia deserves someone to grow up yeah....and its been a dream of mine to have my own child....that's if.... you're okay with it as well?" I look at jimin.

Jimin Chuckles "definitely! I agree! You should get it!" Namjoon chuckles "I thought you's the phone number.....they might be able to come tomorrow morning or even this evening....I'll take Hana back to mine and jin's so you two can....y'know"

I blush and he slides the piece of paper over to me. I pick it up and stare at it and then jump when hoseok bursts into the room "MIA IT'S UNCLE HOBI CUDDLE TIME!!!"
I giggle when Mia runs out her room and jumps into hoseoks arms and they both laugh.

I gulp a little when namjoon slides my phone to me "we'll take Mia" I nod and he walks out the room to hoseok and Mia and then the others all get ready to leave. Jimin looks at me "baby you don't have to..." I shake my head "I want to....I've always wanted a baby of my own...."

He walks to me and kisses my head "you truly are amazing jungkook" I giggle and then pick my phone up "I'll call the number alright?" He nods and kisses me quickly "I'll go pack Mia a small bag alright" I nod and he walks out the room.

I take a deep breath and then type the number in and press call.
I put the phone to my ear and gulp when it starts to ring.

"Hello,this is midwife Jodie you're speaking too how may I help?"

"U-uh I was given this number because I.....I want to have a baby"

"Of course! Are you a male?"

"Yes I am"

"And have you got a suitable home for the child? And a suitable father or mother for your child as well?"

"Y-yeah I boyfriend will be the father"

"Alright,how old are you sir and what's your name?"

"My name is jeon jungkook and I'm 19"

"That's young are you and your boyfriend positive about this?"

" boyfriend has a daughter already and we think we're ready for a baby of our own"

"Okay that's Awesome, when would you like the Injection? There is an appointment at 6pm tonight....7am Tomorrow morning or next week on Wednesday at 5pm"

"Uh......6pm if that's okay?"

"Of course! We will be over at your home to do it and we will explain what it will do and what you and your boyfriend will have to do, please message your address to his number and we will be over at 6pm"

"Alright....thank you"

"Don't thank me I love having these phonecalls! I hope everything goes how you want! Goodbye sir"


I hang up and message the same number the address and then put the phone down staring at it.

Jimin walks into the room "hey baby, you alright?" I nod "6pm..."
He tilts his head making a drink for us both "6pm???", I nod "that's when I'm having the injection"
He gasps and drops the mug "really?!?!"

I nod and then cover my face "is this the right decision?.....I'm thinking all the possible outcomes in my head and none so far are good.........what if this is a mistake?" He walks to me avoiding all the smashed pieces of mug on the floor and kisses my head

"Baby....this is going to be Amazing....Mia is going to grow up with a little brother or sister and we will be a bigger family and you said it was a dream for you to have your own child....this is your dream coming true....don't think about the bad things that COULD happen's going to be okay....I'm right next to you the whole time"

I lean my head on his shoulder "I really do love you jimin...." He wraps his arms around me "I love you too jungkook.....and I always matter what" I smile a little.

Is this a good idea or have I just screwed everything up..........

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