no baby

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((A/N: my friend read this chapter and said that my imagination is wild 😂😂 And i pre-warning this chapter is a bit weird and confusing, but please forgive me. I haven't slept properly for weeks and it's 3am so my Brain is just filled with nonsense....sorry again, please forgive me))

A few months later

Jungkooks pov

"Okay nothing is working jimin....we just need to tell her there is no baby" I stand with jimin in the kitchen.
He sighs "I don't want her to be upset though...." I sigh "neither do I jimin but we can't continue this...she is going to find out that I'm not pregnant"

"A male can get pregnant y'know?"

We both jump and look at the door to see Namjoon stood there. He walks to us "'s rare obviously but it's stil possible....for example Thomas beatie is a man and had a baby because his wife was infertile....true facts" ((A/N:this is actually a real person,he is a trans man who was able to have a baby with a sperm donor because his wife was infertile, he became known as the first "pregnant man"))

Jimin tilts his head "so you're saying I should get jungkook pregnant?" Namjoon shrugs "I mean it's a way to stop all this hassle with Mia and telling her there is no baby" I go to say something but get cut off by Mia

"T-t-they're isn't a baby?????"

We all gasp when Mia looks at us all. I glare at namjoon and then gasp when Mia runs to her bedroom, I look at jimin who sighs "fucking dammit" I run after her and knock on her door "princess?"

My heart breaks hearing her cries "I just wanted a baby brother or sister! I wanted someone to play with all day!.....I'm lonely are always cleaning and Appa is always at work! I have nobody to play with!"

I sigh and sit down in front of the door "princess..... we're sorry for lying to were so happy....I couldn't ruin that for and Appa are so so sorry princess....if we could have a baby we would-"

She opens the door and looks at me with tears down her cheeks "I want a baby sister eomma so we can play dress up" she wraps her arms around my neck and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around her "I know you do princess.....I day"

She looks at me and cuts me off "eomma where will the baby come from?" I gulp "uh....the baby?...If we have one it will have to come from a adoption center....which is a place families go to adopt a baby and let the baby join their family-"

She cuts me off "but the baby won't be yours and appa's" I kiss her head "just because the baby doesn't come from me and Appa doesn't make them any less to us....if we adopted we would treat them exactly the same as we treat our own"

She sits facing me "but I want YOU to have a baby it will be as pretty as you!" I blush "princess....uh....I can't have a baby....i-" she stands up and Huff's "you said I'd get a baby sister!!!" She walks into her room and slams the door in my face making me look down.

I stand up and walk back to namjoon and jimin "no luck....she hates us...." Jimin sighs "she'll calm down eventually" I shake my head "I'm not sure she will....she is very upset"
Namjoon sighs "there is always an injection you can get"

I tilt my head "excuse me?" Namjoon nods "there is like this injection....I read about it before somewhere....if you get this Injection and then have intercourse then there is a chance you could get pregnant..... normally it's like a 1-2% chance that a male will get pregnant but with the injection I think it pushes the % up to about 10-15% I think....I'm not sure it's been years since I've read that book"

I sit at the table, jimin shrugs "or we could just adopt?" I look at him "Mia said she wants the baby to come from ME" I look down. Namjoon shrugs "adopt a baby and say it came from you" I stand up "I'm not lying to Mia's wrong....I feel terrible lying to her before...we might just have to live with Mia hating us"

Jimin Huff's "does the injection cost money?" Namjoon nods "yeah I think it's like 130$...."
I sigh and then yawn "look.... we'll talk about this another day....I'm gonna go try make Mia love me again"

I walk out the kitchen and to Mia's bedroom.
Mia doesn't want us to adopt....

Life is so difficult with kids.....I don't want Mia to be lonely and feel like she does so I agree she does need something or someone to entertain her.....
Maybe we can get a dog????..
I don't know what to do.....I give up...

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