pink spatula

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Jungkooks pov

I wake up the next morning to the smell of food. I sit up and look around "huh?....jimin?.....Mia?"  I stand up and change into my clothes for the day

I then walk out the room and to the kitchen where I see Jin and Mia cooking

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I then walk out the room and to the kitchen where I see Jin and Mia cooking.....well Jin is cooking and Mia is sat on top of the table. I tilt my head "where Is jimin?" Jin looks at me "he had an emergency with work.... he'll be back soon" I nod "alright"

I sit at the table and giggle when Mia comes and sits on my lap, I wrap my arms around her "having fun princess?" She nods "yes eomma" I blush and giggle a little kissing her head.
The others all walk in and sit down. I sigh looking at the door waiting for jimin.

Yoongi chuckles "you've been going out for one night and you're already so deep in love....there's no saving you now're so deep In love! You'll have babies together and get married!"
He gasps when I chuck a pancake at him and it hits him in the face.

He looks at me and pouts "I was just saying!" I roll my eyes "we'll stop saying" Mia gasps "you and Appa are having a baby?! I'm getting a baby sister or brother!!! I'm so excited!!!!"  My eyes widen and then I glare at yoongi who was laughing.

I look at her "Mia princess-"

"APPA IS HOME!!!" She jumps off my lap and runs to jimin who just walked into the kitchen. I look at yoongi "I'm going to beat you with a spatula", yoongi smirks "oooooooooh I'm soooooo scared" he laughs.

I cross my arms and lean back in my chair, jimin walks to me and kisses my head "hey baby....what's this all about?" Mia giggles "you and Kookie are having a baby! I get a sister or brother!!!" Jimin gasps "wait what?",
I point to yoongi. jimin nods "aha I see..."

I huff and then stand up "I'm going to the bathroom" I walk to the bathroom and huff closing the door behind me "how am I meant to tell Mia there is no baby?? She is so exited......I'm gonna feel so bad" I take a deep breath and splash some water in my face and then walk out.

I walk into the kitchen to see yoongi talking to Mia. Mia giggles "really?! Kookie never told me that!" I tilt my head "tell you what?" She looks at me "that there is two babies in your tummy!!!" My eyes widen and jimin chokes on his food "what?!?!"

Jin holds out his pink spatula. I walk to him and grab it, yoongi gasps "ah shit!" He stands up quickly and runs away from me. I run after him holding the spatula "I'm going to beat you min yoongi!!!" I hear the others laugh.

I manage to catch him and pin him to the floor face down, he groans "Kookie noooooo!" He winces when i hit him on the butt with the spatula "this is what you get!" I continue doing it and then gasp when he flips us over and pins me down and grabs the spatula.

I huff and continue hitting him with it but allowing him to take it. He groans "stoooooooooooop! Okay okay I'm sorry!" I stop hitting him and push him off me "now I have to find a way not to break her heart" yoongi tilts his head rubbing his butt where j hit him with the spatula "just tell her",

I gesture to Mia in the kitchen "do you really think I'd be able to do that?" Mia was in the kitchen dancing around giggling "I'm gonna be a big sister! I'm gonna be a big sister!!! I'm gonna be a big sister!!", Yoongi nods "oops that's gonna be a hard one to do" I nod "and it's your're lucky I love you mom yoongi"

Yoongi smiles "you can't stay mad at your best friend Kookie!" I shake my head "no sadly j can't but now you have to help me tell her..." He shrugs "just make a baby! Jimin will be up to it! JIMIN!!!" We hear jimin groan and then jimin walks to us and wraps his arms around me and I lean into his touch.

Yoongi rolls his eyes "just make a baby and boom you don't have to crush Mia's heart" I huff "I don't know....having a kid is a lot of work...." Jimin nods "that's true....maybe another time when we're ready....we need to come up with a nice way to tell her....which won't hurt her" I nod "yeah"

But what exactly can we do?!?!?!

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