chapter 20

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okay guys, I am really sorry I have not been posting on this story, its just I don't know whether you guys like it or not! Comment please if you like it and I will keep writing it. Also, I am starting the story again, with another title, so sorry, please comment what you think.


Katniss POV


Once they are gone, I fall asleep, until I wake up screaming.I was in the games again. Watching Rue die. Then she slowly fades away and Prim replaces her. Then Peeta. Then i walk away.Then I get Taken to the Quarter Quell. Peeta walking into the force field. The fear I felt that he was dead. I was upset and hysterical. The Jabberjays screaming at me. Prim. Peeta. Gale.

Peeta is sitting beside me.

" Its okay. Its just a dream." Peeta soothes me. I nod and take a deep breath.

"Stay with me." I whisper to him.

"Always." He replies.

"Always." I mumble as I fall asleep again. No doubt I'll be woken up again by a nightmare. I remember the kiss. In the cave. And on the beach. Buts its how I remember it. Not what the capitol made me think. The spark I felt that made me want to kiss him again. The spark that arose inside me, that never really left me. The feeling I never got when Gale kissed me.  The spark I only get from one person. Peeta.  I think about it for a while, Is it possible that I... Like him?  But not just on camera. For real. I open my eyes.

" Peeta. I need to ask you something." I say to him quietly.

" What?" He replies.

" you know that I'm not really good with words, so this is going to come out bad. Peeta, Do Like me?" I say quietly, almost hoping that he didn't hear.

" I um... Yes. I do." He says shyly. "Why?" He askes me.

I take a deep breath. "Because, i think that I like you too." I say quietly. Peeta smiles a smile so wide that it makes me smile too.

He embraces me in a hug. And we kiss. For real. No cameras. Just us. We love each other.

I do need Peeta. I do.

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