Chapter 42

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Katniss POV

''Now. I hear that you are thinking about conceding to president Snow.'' Coin says.
I don't reply.
"And I am not going to let you do that. We need our Mockingjay to help fight back against the cruelty that President Snow has afflicted upon Panam. We need your... fire and your voice to... Put an end to this currupt society. And you handing yourself into the Capitol isn't going to help that. It will make it worse in fact. And-"Coin goes on.
"You have no right to say what I can and can't do. I am my own person, and I don't want to be told what to do. Peeta is in the Capitol. And you are just leaving him to President Snow? Thats cruel. So. Save Peeta or I will refuse to do your 'Propo's' or what ever you call them." I slam my fist down onto the glass table, so hard I think I hear it crack.
"Miss Everdeen. I think that you need a moment to calm down. As I have said-several times in fact-that we will rescue Peeta...we...just need to wait for the right time to rescue him." Coin mutters.
"The thing is, there is never going to be a 'right time' to rescue Peeta. Because there is always going to be something holding you back. If it were up to you, you would just leave Peeta there. In the Capitol. To die." I say. Coin gives me an evil stare from across the table.
"If you want someone to be the voice of the rebellion, then you should have made Snow take me instead of Peeta! If you wanted someone who can perform in front of people, then you should send me to the capitol. A... Peace offering you could call it." And with that, I get up and leave. I feel like I can't breathe anymore. It's like I'm suffocating.
The last thing I hear, is Finnick yelling out my name.

Peeta POV
Katniss... Katniss. Do I Love her? Because in some, distant part of my mind, I can feel the spark that I felt on the beach.
And the Bread. I remember the Bread. I remember Katniss Everdeen. Not the mutt version of her. There is a different side to her. A much nicer, part of her that is kept hidden away. A part of her that only I have seen.
And then it hits me. Like a sharp smack to the face,
I still Love her. And not even what the Capitol have done can stop it. My love for her is Untouchable.
"Peeta!" A voice says, entering my hospital room. The voice is grouchy, and ruff. Haymitch.
"Where is she? Where is Katniss?" I ask, not even saying hello.
"Peeta. She is okay. But..." He trails off.
"What happened to her?" I panic,automatically thinking the worst. "She... she blacked out. Just before the hovercraft arrived. She was talking about handing herself into the Capitol, so that you could come home. She doesn't know that you're even here. She should be waking soon though." He says, his voice hoarse.
"I want to be their when she wakes up." I state.
"Peeta. I don't know of that's a good idea. I mean, you should reat. Take it easy." Haymitch makes excuses.
"Please. Just let me see her. Then I'll rest. I promise. Please. I need to make sure that she is okay." I try to Convince him.
"You really aren't going to let this go are you boy?" Haymitch laughs.
"No. "I reply,shaking my head.
"I'll see what I can do." He sighs, defeated.

Ten minutes later; I on my way to see Katniss. My stomach feels like it's homed to thousands of tiny painted butterflies.
Why am I so nervous to see her?
There she is. Lying under a pale grey sheet, a few rooms down. Haymitch leaves me at the door, and I walk into her room. She is still unconscious. But, I want to be here when she Wakes up.
Her hair is lying limply by her shoulders. She is Pale, and cold. I take her hand in mine, rubbing it in small,delicate gestures.
I almost feel like I was never taken by the Capitol. It was just Katniss and I here. Safe. Which is all I ever want for her. To feel safe. And happy. And feel Loved.
I hear a groan. Katniss.
She opens her eyes slightly, tilting her head towards me. Her eyes light up like a child on its first trip to the candy shop.
"Peeta!" She gasps.
She starts to cry, and I wrap my arms around her neck.
She sits up, and eventually stands up. She pits a hand on my cheek. It is bruised, and bony.
"What have they done to you?"She whispers.
"I'm Okay. Katniss. I just... realized that my Love for you was eternal. And then I realised that my love for you was more powerful than any of the serums that Snow gave me." I whisper and she Smiles.
" warned us about the bombings. You helped us. And...and I couldnt help you!" She says. "Its okay. Its fine. We are both together Now. That is the main thing. Okay? " I respond.
"I... I Love you." She whispers, and I wrap my arms around her. "I Love you too, my girl on fire." I smile Into her hair.
"I love you more, my boy with the bread." She smiles.
" I love you most." I reply. And then, our lips collide. It is a feeling that I havent felt in such a ling time. An explosion. A spark. "I am so happy that you are safe, Peeta." She whispers into my chest.
"I'm happy that I can be with,my. Foavourite girl on fire in the world."I smile.
"CUT!" A voice says behind us.
Katniss whips around, facing the person.
I have never seen them before.
"Cressida!"Katniss hisses.
"Sorry,Katniss. President Coin insisted that we capture the moment the you lay eyes on each other again." The women-Cressida says.
"What are you doing with it?" Katniss asks, suspicious.
"Coin wants it to be broadcasted in all of the districts,and In the Capitol." She answers.
Katniss lets out a faint sigh.
They Leave.
"Sorry." She whispers.
"For what? "I ask her, confused.
"I...I...I should have saved you sooner." She says sadly.
"No. Katniss. I would never have let you save me anyway. I wouldnt want you to get hurt." I kiss her cheek, and she smiles.
"I love you."
"I love you too,Katniss."

Everlark are back together! Sorry for not updating in aaaaages!
As always,
May the odds be ever in your favour
Xx Laura♥

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