Chapter 40

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Katniss POV
Haymitch and I walk in silence.
I can tell that he wants to say something, but he stays quiet.
Maybe, I will be able to convince the Capitol to take me, and leave Peeta alone.
''Say something, Haymitch.'' I say, my voice hoarse.
''There's nothing to say sweetheart.'' His voice is ruff. He keeps his eyes straight ahead, and breathes softly.
''Yes, Haymitch. There is stuff to say. And I can tell that you want to say something, so just say it!'' I hiss. ''Please.'' I say, my voice sounding softer.
''We are going to get him out of there you know.'' He says quietly.
''If Coin was going to get him out of there, then she would have by now.'' I mutter.
We turn into a dark hallway, with a flickering light above us, about to fade out.
''Sweetheart. There is a time when to do things. And now, just... Might not be the time!'' Haymitch snaps. I shake my head in frustration.
''If you aren't going to get him out of there, then I will!'' I say, my voice echoing through the tunnel.
''You have to know, that Coin isn't going to be letting you hand yourself into the Capitol!'' Haymitch mutters.
Actually, the thought has crossed my mind, of how I will have to try and convince Coin. And I have also thought, of how its not going to work. I will have to make my way out of here alone.
Maybe, I could dig my way out... No. That won't work. Let's face it. I'm trapped here. Like a bird in a cage. Of should I say, A mockingjay stuck in a cage.
''Well, she doesn't have to know!'' I hiss.
''If you actually want to leave, this place, then she will need to know!'' Haymitch mutters.
I roll my eyes.
''Please Haymitch. I would have thought, that you,You of all people would know how I feel!''I say, my voice shaking.
''I do know how you feel. Katniss.'' Its the first time I've heard Haymitch call me anything other than 'Sweetheart' in a long time. ''No. You don't. because, you seem like you are hardly bothered by Peeta being in the Capitol!'' My voice raises to a shout, and I clench my fists together, to stop them from shaking. ''Katniss. I am bothered,by Peeta being in the Capitol.'' He pauses,and takes a deep breath.''Look. Im sorry. I will try. I will try to convince Coin to send soldiers to the capitol, but it isn't something that i can get done in a night. And you will have to help me.'' He says. He puts his hands on my shoulders, and gives them a reassuring squeeze.
''Thank you.'' I murmer.
''Don't give up, Katniss. If you can make it through Two hunger games, and Being tortured in the Capitol, then you can survive this.'' Haymitch says, obviously thinking that he is being wise.
But this is different. Those things were happening to me. Not Peeta. I let out a sigh, and I swear that you can see my breath.

President Coin is waiting with Plutarch, Finnick and Gale when we enter.
I sigh quietly to myself. I don't want them. I just want Peeta. I want my boy with the bread.
This is what happens when I let myself feel that one emotion. Love. Everyone gets taken away from me. That's just how it goes. ''Miss Everdeen.'' Coin nods.
''President Coin.'' I say, plastering an emotionless face on.
I won't let anyone see the weak side of me. The side that just wants to give up on everything. The side that wants to break down. But that's not an option.


Sorry guys, just a short chapter today! I apologize for not writing anything for a while! I hope you are all safe, and
May the odds be ever in your favour.

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