Chapter Two.

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Katniss POV


I wake up and feel a searing pain coming from my arm. There is a blanket of blood on the floor. I sit up and see that Johanna is lying on the floor beside me. I hear voices coming towards us. That's when I notice the bunch of white Roses lying beside me. Their smell too sweet. I immediately think Snow. I groan. The voices get closer, and I start to panic. What are they going to do to me? The door opens and in walks the one and only President Snow.

" Miss Everdeen." Snow nods with a wicked smirk on his face, almost unnoticeable with his bushy gray beard.

" Where's Peeta?" I croak, my voice hoarse.

" That is none of your concern. You have worse things to be thinking of at the moment miss Everdeen. Finally. Ive been wanting to see you for a while." He pauses. He nods at one of the guards. One of them lifts me up and carries me out the door of the hovercraft, while the other one gets Johanna. I pound on his back. I kick and scream. I want Peeta. I want his muscly arms around me, making me feel safe. The smell of freshly made bread. I end up being hand cuffed, with two people clutching my arms. I feel sick. I look behind me and see that Johanna is struggling too. A single tear slips from my eye. At least its not Peeta. I would rather it be me than him. He doesn't deserve this.

A half hour later, I am locked in a cell, beside Johanna.

" Hey brainless" she mumbles with a half smile at the end

" hi." I sigh. Why Johanna? I would say we share a love - hate relationship. Some women unlocks my door.

" The President is waiting. Katniss"

She says.

I get forced to get up. She practically drags me to his door.

She opens the door and I freeze.

Hey guys! How you going! I hope you are enjoying this. I'm trying to use language that I think that katniss and peeta, Johanna would use. In some stories katniss says " sweetie" I don't think she would ever say that. Sorry. Just what I think.
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