Chapter 38 PART ONE.

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Katniss POV
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Gale and I are allowed to go hunting again today, and we manage to shoot a few rabbits. We get called back to district Thirteen, to film another Propo.
When we get there, Coin, Effie, Plutarch and Haymitch are sitting around the same glass table.
''Hello miss Everdeen. How was your hunting time?'' Haymitch says in a sing song voice that can not be him.
''Great thanks Haymitch!'' I say over enthusiastically.
'' Miss Everdeen. We want to show the Districts what the Capitol did to district twelve.'' Coin says.
I freeze. No. They can't. I don't want everyone to see.
''Because then Peeta would get to see as well.'' Coin adds.
I shake my head.
''No.'' I say with force in my voice.
''Katniss. We have to let them see.'' Coin says.
''Why? Why do we have to let them see?'' I complain. I stare down Coin, and watch her reaction.
''Because, we want the districts to know that the capitol isn't going to ever side with us. They have been against us. Right from the start. We need to show them, so that they side with us in this rebellion. We need as many of the districts on our side as possible. Now. There is a Hovercraft waiting for you, and your camera team. We have sorted them out for you, so they will sort out all of the camera things. Beetee is going to try and air it live, and cut through to the Capitol TV. Vale. You are coming too. Let's go.'' Coin says firmly, and Gale stands up, and puts a hand on my back, I think to reassure me. I roll my eyes, and get up. Coin leaves us half way, and so its just Haymitch, Plutarch,Gale,Boggs and I. I don't make any contact witrh anybody, and there are four people waiting outside the hovercraft.
A blond women with half of her hair shaved off, and a tattoo in its place. She steps forward, and Introduces herself and the 'crew.'
''My name is Cressida. And this is my camera crew, Castor and pollux.''
She says, a sly smile on her face.
''Hello.'' Castor says, stepping forward.
Pollux just simply nods, and I give a slightly awkward nod back. Boggs walks forward, and heads onto the hovercraft.
''Let's get locked in.'' He says, as we all follow along behind him. We sit down, and I end up sitting between Gale, and Pollux.
''You're all from the Capitol? Plutarch got you out?'' I ask, turning to face Pollux. He turns to face me, and he just stares at me.
''Don't expect much chit-chat from him. The Capitol cut his tongue out years ago. And No. It wasn't any sort of Rescue mission, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own. For this. For you.'' She says, and Pollux smiles.
I give a slight smile back, and then smile at Gale. That smile comes with ease, and he reaches out and grabs my hand, giving it a reasurring squeeze. I smile again, and he smiles back.

It seems to take ages to get to district twelve, and I can feel my heart start to pump as we get closer. I can feel it. In my blood. The hills that Gale and I used to climb, going on our Two hour trek to get through all of the snares. The hills I looked at during my first games. Thinking that I should have run off with Gale. But now, I'm kind of glad that we didn't. But then I think that I should have. Because then none of this would have happened. But then Prim would have gone Into the games.
And I couldn't have let that happen.
When we arrive in district Twelve, I can feel my heart start to speed up. I don't want them to film me in here. Because if they do, there's a chance that I will let out emotion, and if this is playing on the Capitol TV, then I don't want them to see me shed a tear. They are just waiting for me to break down. To fall to peaces. But I have to put up a guard. A wall so that they won't see. See that I am breaking down. Slowly.
''Let's start with the justice building in the background.'' Cressida says.
I walk slowly over, with Gale following my steps. It feels like the first time I have been here. I take a deep breath and suck it up.
''Katniss. What would you like the districts to know? Tell the camera.'' Cressida commands.
'Nothing. I don't want them to know anything.' I think to myself.
I can't think of anything. I stay quiet. And then Gale, who has been pretty silent ever since we arrived, speaks up.
''We were here. Watching the games, when you shot your arrow into the force field. Then everything went black. We just stood there. Eventually the Peacekeepers came, and forced us back into our homes. We didn't hear anything. And for about two hours, everything was silent.'' He stops, and shakes his head, starring up at the remaining parts of the justice building.
''Stay with Gale.'' Cressida whispers to Pollux, who nods, and turns his camera to face Gale. Gale starts walking, and Cressida, Pollux and Castor follow behind him. I follow behind them, because this is Gales time. And I know where we are heading. I catch up as they are climbing over a pile of rubble. The bodies. Cressida gasps, and So does Castor. Pollux just stares, with an alarmed look in his eyes. Gale sits down, and I move towards him. I put a hand on his shoulder, and I sit down.
''I should have got more people to come. I should have just dragged them with me.'' He mutters, staring at the dead bodies. I don't look at them, instead, I look at Gale.
''Gale. You saved so many People.'' Cressida says quietly.
''Nine-hundred and fifteen, out of Ten-thousand.'' He says quietly, and I can see that his hands are shaking.
''The kids that I could have carried. The people I could have grabbed.'' He shakes his head again, and takes a deep breath.
''People started heading to the road. Towards the centre of the city.''He says.

An hour later, I am back in the victors village, and getting some more of my moms herbal remedies. I lean against the bench, and jump as Gale moves so that he is in front of me. The camera crew and Cressida are outside, waiting. We are going to have lunch in the woods.
''I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you Catnip.'' He says softly.
''Its alright.'' I manage to say. And before he can say anything more, Cressida comes through the door, saying that we need to get going.
We sit on a rock, that is by my lake. I don't say anything about it though, and neither does Gale. We communicate through our eyes. I sit next to Pollux. Gale seems to have lost his ability to talk, because he stsays silent, and stares out at the water. The weather is boiling hot, so we are all drenched in sweat. We drink Water and eat sandwiches by the shad of the nearby trees. A black bird, with a white crown flutters past. Pollux nudges me, and points to my mockingjay pin.
''Yeah, its a Mockingjay.'' I say to him, holding up a hand.
''I'll show you.'' I says, and whistle Rues four note Mockingjay song.
The mockingjay, sends the tune write back to me, its beautiful soft chirp sounding peaceful. Pollix does something that surprises me. He whistles his own tune, and turns to me and grins. I give a smile in return. The Mockingjay quickly learns the new tune, and starts singing. More birds join in.
''Well now they'll never shut up.'' Gale mumbles, and I roll my eyes to Pollux who smiles.
I look back out at the water, and Pollux taps me on the arm. He writes a word in the dirt with a twig. SING?
I nod slowly. If it were anyone else, I would say no, but because it is Pollux, I will do it.
Before I know what I am doing, I am singing the song that my father taught me. 'The Hanging tree.' There is no way I will sing it as good as my father, but I'll try. I start to sing Softly, just like how my father used to sing this song.

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