Author Note

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Feeling Really really really guilty*

I am so sorry for not updating. School has started again, it has been for a while now, and I am finding it really hard. Not the school work, (well sort of) but I have a lot going on at the moment. Mostly with friends. *gets emotional* *shakes head* ugh. Having girls as your friends, is literally so difficult. I am feeling like a third wheel with my friends, and I told them that, and they just told me that I shouldn't feel like that and that they would make more of an effort. So then yesterday, (Friday) all of that went down in flames, when they lied to my face. They are going on a sleepover, and going to the Premiere of Allegiant, and they never told me. The only reason why I know now, is because one of my friends had the decency to tell me. So one of them, who shall remain nameless, lied to my face. We were in French, and I had to go and see our year level dean, and I'm like 'you should come,' and she's like ' Can't. MY DAD IS PICKING ME UP AND I CAN'T BE LATE.' and I am like WTF? I just heard you saying that you would meet at the canteen!

Sorry for the rant, but I feel so much better to finally get it out there. I swear that the only thing that keeps me sane is my writing.
Thank-you for all of the votes and reads, it means so much to me. Love you all, more than you can imagine.

You probably won't even read this, but oh well.
I hope you are all okay, and an update will be soon, in about a week because we have 2 weeks off.

Thank-you if you did read this far. I just feel so alone right now. I feel like apart from my family and Two best friends and Taylor Swift, all I have are my fictional characters.


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