chapter 45

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Katniss POV
Finnick and Annie's wedding is truly beautiful. And it is also about the only thing I don't need to pretend to be happy about. Peeta is by my side the whole time, clutching my hand.
It's when Finnick and Annie are dancing, he says to me gently,
"You know, Katniss. This could be us one day."
"Not until Snow is dead." Is all I can say. I don't want to be thinking about it yet. I shiver, and Peeta feels it.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable Katniss. I didn't mean it like that." I know that he didn't mean it to make me feel uncomfortable. I just don't want to think about after the war.
I don't dare to say, 'I doubt that both of us will be alive after the war anyway. So I actually don't think that we need to be worrying about it just yet.' Peeta glances side ways at me.
"I love you, Katniss." He kisses my cheek, and goes to go and Dances with my sister before I get the chance to reply.
Plutarch, Haymitch, and Coin are standing around in a triangle discussing something. They do it in hushed whispers.
"All the districts...finally...turned to...the rebels...think...time to...send troops into...Capitol." I hear.
"What do you mean?" I say. "If you are sending troops to the capitol, then I need to come too!" I say, walking over to them.
"Miss Everdeen, this is not up for discussion. Go and enjoy the wedding." Coin says, clearly unimpressed that I interrupted.
"I am The Mockingjay. And I need to come." I say, and I can tell that already I am pushing Coins buttons.
"Miss Everdeen. It is clear that you are not yet stable enough to go into the Capitol. The soldiers who are going, have been training for weeks. Shown up to every session. And you have not shown up to anything." She states.
"I have been turning up to things...''I start, but realise that I haven't actually turned up to anything.
"Can you name one of-''coin starts, but is soon shut down by Peeta, who has made his way over here.
" Shouldn't we be talking about this in Command? Not during Finnick and Annie's Wedding?" Peeta wraps his arm around my waist.
He leads me away, taking me onto the dance floor.
"Would you care to dance with me, Miss Everdeen?" Peeta says, woth his side smile. " I hear that this is being aired live around the country, and what would make him more angry, than seeing us, Finnick and Annie, Johanna and even Haymitch, the victors, smiling? " That brings a smile to my face as I picture Snow, slamming his fist down on the table in rage.
"I would love to dance with you Mr Mellark." I start,"But I can't Dance."
"Yes you can Katniss. I will show you." He picks me up slightly, placing me on his feet.
"Won't I be too Heavy?" I ask.
Peeta raises his eyebrows.
"Katniss. You aren't very heavy. Don't worry!" Peeta laughs. I can't help but smile too. Thats the thing with Peetas smile. It's contagious. Well, to me anyway.
So, we begin to spin around the dance floor.

The very next day, I am called into Command.
As soon as I get there, conversation starts.
"Miss Everdeen. If you do, infact want to go with the fellow soldiers to the Capitol, then we are going to need to put you in training. Inside, and outside distict Thirteen. So, this afternoon, we are sendong you to District Eight. There has just been a bombing, so you should be alright. But there are still Peace Keepers that would be paid a lot of money from Snow to return your body to him." She looks at me intently, as if waiting for me to be afraid of what she said.
"What about Peeta? Is he coming?" I ask.
"That has yet to be decided. We are still not quite sure that he is stable enough." She says to me.
"Go and get him." She commands Boggs.
The conversation is rare, until Petta arrives. They pull up a seat beside mine, and he grabs my hand. Even though he has not been in the bakery, he still manages to smell like freshly made bread.
"Now. Mr Mellark. Do you think that you are stable enough to come to Distict Eight With miss Everdeen to see if she is stable to go to the capitol?" Coin asks him.
"Katniss is going to the Capitol?" That's the first thing he says, the alarm ringing in his voice. He didn't say ' Yes I am capable,' first, he is shocked that I am going to the Capitol.
"That all depends whether she proves herself over these next few weeks. But how do you feel about yourself?" Coin asks.
"Yeah, I can go. I'll be fine." Peeta says. I can feel him looking at me, but I refuse to look back.
"Okay. Meet us back here, in Command, all suited up, you, Katniss wearing your Mockingjay outfit, and Peeta we have an almost replica for you. See you at Twelve o'clock." Coin gets up, and her little District Thirteen Minions get up to leave with her.
Peeta pulls me up, and we leave close behind her. He takes me to a dark, corridor.
"When were you going to tell me you were going to the Capitol?" Peeta asks.
"I didn't know! I only Overheard Coin discussing it Yesterday!" I argue.
"Katniss I don't want you to go. I can't let them have you again. And if something goes wrong, you will end up back there. In Snows hands. Again. Where I can't reach you. I can't help you. I can't let that happen to you again!" Peeta says, clearly distressed about me going to the Capitol.
"Even if I do go Peeta, we aren't going to be the big, up front group. We will be the ones that would be rushed back to safety at the slightest sign of Danger. Nothing is going happen to me. You don't need to worry! Okay?" I say softly.

Merry Christmas! Sorry that I haven't updated in a really Loooooong time, but school is over now, so I should be able to update again :-)

May the odds be ever in your Favour
Xx Laura ♥

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