Chapter Thirty-six

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Katniss POV
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I wake up screaming.
I familiar face comes rushing through the door. His blonde hair. His lovely blue eyes. Peeta.
"Sorry. Just a nightmare.'' I say, catching my breath.
''Its okay. I get them too. Just try and get some sleep.''peseta says, and turns to leave.
''Peeta?'' I ask, and he turns around.
''Yeah?'' He replays softly, taking a few steps forward.
''Will you stay with me?'' I say, my voice shaking.
''Of course.'' He comes and lies with me.
I put my head on his chest.
''Always.'' I hear him whisper, before sleep drags me into another world.

I wake up, gasping for air. I look behind me. No Peeta. No boy with the bread. Prim rouses, and sits up.
''Nightmare?'' She asked softly.
I nod.'' Yeah.''
She gets up carefully, making sure not to wake Mom. She crawls into bed with me.
''Tell me what's happening.'' She whispers.
''I'm good at keeping secrets. Even from Mom.'' She says softly.
''I agreed to be the Mockingjay. I made them agree that they would save Peeta and the others as soon as they could.'' I say, tucking some hair behind her ear.
''That's good. Its the start of something. You can make them do anything. Because you are so crucial to this, Katniss. You could ask for anything, and they would have to give it to you. They will save Peeta. He will be okay. Peeta is the capitals weapon, the same way that your ours. Says Haymitch.'' She imatates Haymitchs voice, and I laugh.
''They won't... Kill Peeta. They are using him to get to you.'' She says again.
''I should wake you up more often little duck.'' I say softly.
''Yes. You should. Now, get some sleep, okay?'' She says.
I nod.

I wake up to Haymitch leaning over me.
''Go away.'' I turn away, and see that Prim and my mother have long gone. They have probably gone to work in the hospital.
''We have a propo to shoot before you can hunt.'' He says in a ruff voice.
I groan.
''I have the outfit that Cinna designed for you.'' He says, and I sit up straight away. I glare at him.
''Get changed, and meet me in the hall in ten minutes.'' He laughs, leaving the outfit on the bed.
I get into the outfit. There is a guard over the top of the shoulders. And over the chest. I walk out into the hall. Hay itch is leaning against the wall. With the one and only Effie trinket, standing beside him.
''These floors are rather dirty.'' She says, and when she sees me, her whole face lights up.
''Effie!'' I say to her. She wraps me in a hug.
''Oh Katniss! Let's do something about that hair.'' She says. She leads me down the hall, and into a room. Hay itch basically has to run to keep up with us.
''Plutarch wants us to meet him at ten. Oh! Its nine thirty! Hurry up Haymitch!'' She shrieks.
She does my make up, and plaits my hair.
''She is camera ready!'' She says, pleased with what she'd done.
''Come on Haymitch. Stop moping around. Just because you don't have anything to drink, doesn't mean you can sulk. Pull yourself together. This is a big day for Katniss.'' Effie gives Haymitch a telling off. I laugh. She tells him off, so lady like. She still has her high pitched voice.
Haymitch glares at me, and I stop laughing immediately.
''You can't say much, Trinket. You are just as bad, becuase you don't have any make up to jazz up your face! You were sulking for days after you got here, because you couldn't were your capitol clothes. Or your wigs. Or your make-up. You never left your room! So you can not speak.'' Haymitch snaps.
''Just ignore the old man Katniss. He's just touchy. Let's go. Now can you please recite what I told you earlier.'' She says,as we walk up to where Plutarch is writing for us. We are on stairs, and Effie won't shush about me needing to know my words.
''Katniss! Could you please recite what I told you to say!'' She says, getting annoyed.
I still don't say it.
''Never one to waste it in practice.'' She mutters.
''Would you just shut up Effie!?'' Haymitch grumbles from in front of me.
Effie seems taken aback, and she walks the whole way other muttering under her breath. Haymitch leads us into a room, which has a big computer room, and a big screen of green. I stand on the 'X' and Effie comes up to me.
''Cinnas final touch.'' She says, and pins on the mockingjay pin.
''They'll either want to kiss you, kill you, or be you.'' She says, giving me a what she thinks is a reasurring smile.

''Right. Katniss. Stand in front of the screen. Some one get Her bow, and the flag.'' Plutarch commands.
''Wind.'' Plutarch says, and fans come on, gentally blowing air in my face.
I get people giving me those things. I hold them, one in each hand.
''Right. When you are ready, Katniss you may start.'' Plutarch says through the loud speaker.
I take a deep breath.
''Citizens of panem...'' I start.
''You know the line Katniss.'' Plutarch says, sounding agitated.
''Yeah I know.'' I mumble.
''Start again.'' He instructs.
''Citizens of Panem! We fight, we dare, we...'' I get further this time, but not much.
''She's... Warming up.'' Effie says, and Plutarch says at he knows.
''Again, Katniss.'' He says.
''Citizens of panem! We fight! We dare! To end, this hunger for justice!'' I scream at the glass window.
''Well thats how a revolution dies.'' Haymitch steps forward.
''Shut up Haymitch.'' Effie snaps.
''It will have to do.'' Plutarch sighs.
''Its not that bad.'' Effie says, sticking up for me.
I walk off the stage and put my bow and flag on the table.
''Can I please, go and get some breakfast, and then can I go hunting with Gale. Please.'' I say, starring at them and then folding my arms.
''Yes. Meet me at E block in an hour. Then we will sort out everything.'' Plutarch says. I turn around and walk out.

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