Chapter 75

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As if he were asleep, the strange creature, which had been lurking silently and sinisterly, raised itself. The bizarre appearance became more intense.

The uneven limbs sticking out from under the bulky body were grossly twisted, spilling equally dark red mud.

Its half melted and the yellowish eyeball seemed to scan the surrounding area. And then suddenly, its eyes and Violetta's eyes met. Violetta certainly felt that way.


Someone must have missed the glass. The sound of glass breaking steeply across the cooled air in the garden can be clearly heard.



It was then that the creature that was trapped in the cage plunged itself into the cage, inflating its back with unknown mud.


In an instant, the devil broke it down and bounced off, crushing the tables and grips in the garden and rushing at the people.

People screamed and ran away in this situation that no one expected. Christian was also the same.

He confirmed Gabriel's return in the wagon and looked at Heliona's dull face as she was holding the black cloth.

(I don't know who first created the strange trend of capturing and raising rare species of animals, but I already had a hitch that it was a bad idea.)

But when the cloth was lifted and a disgusting form of the devil appeared inside it, Christian had no choice but to doubt his eyes.

Looking at Heliona's shocked response, it was clear that the rare species she was originally trying to boast about was not such a disgusting thing.

The bizarre creature easily ripped open its bars and escaped outside, revealing its incredible violence and strength.

Christian, of course, immediately brought the show.

Even at this moment, the tendency of the person to use power was revealed.

Christian chose to block the movements of the creature, rather than brutally slaughtering the beast in front of countless people.


A white icebreaker that stretched out in an instant covered the entire body of the devil and penetrated the skin.

The movement of the devil, which was running, seemed to stop for a moment. However, it did not produce the expected effect.


The whole frozen demon paused for a moment. However, the ice sheet surrounding the heavy body was quickly broken.

"What the...!"

Christian's eyes were wide open.


The broken pieces of ice turned into light and oxidized.

The monster dribbled out the dark red essence, pierced the light and rushed again. In front of him was Violetta.

Cordelia, who had gone to put a glass of wine on the table, and stood frozen in the same sudden situation, saw the scene.


Cordelia hurriedly ran to Violetta, who was stiff, and pulled her as if to protect her body. At that very moment, something like a black mist swallowed the monster.

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