Drama doesn't hurt anyone, right?

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In the last chapter, they kissed. Lucien instigated it. They were seen by Grace, who is against this development as she doesn't want her brother to be hurt again. She believes that Elena is good for him. What will she do?

Riley successfully avoided Lucien till the next day. Sadly, she couldn't avoid her feelings, her heart and her dreams. Lucien haunted her there. There is no escape, from your own feelings. After a restless night, she talked herself into focusing. Ryan's parents were coming and he needed her support. After getting ready for the day, she went next door to check on the boys. Ryan was in a sour mood which meant he was extra clingy with her. He literally clung to her and didn't want to let go. When she tried to move, he moved with her. She eventually had to call Carter who had to wrestle Ryan away from her and he promptly, started clinging to Carter who gave him, a look that promised certain things. That was Riley's cue to leave.

During the day, while she was busy in her office, she heard her secretary talking with someone. It was a male voice. Actually two males voices. One she easily recognized. Panicked, she quickly pushed her chair aside and hid under her desk. She pulled the chair in and breathed a sigh of relief, just as her door opened. She heard the secretary she shared with the boys, exclaim in surprise, when she found an empty room, that she was sorry for misinforming them that Riley was present. She hadn't seen Riley leave. Apologizing, she ushered them out. Relieved, Riley waited a few minutes then slowly crawled out. She bumped into something soft and screamed as the thing moved. "Ouch!" said the thing.
In her mind, she banged the thing's head on the carpeted floor, many times. "Idiot! What are you doing here?" she yelled at the thing, while rubbing her forehead. "You've been avoiding me! Why? And why are you hiding under the desk?" "You idiot! It's because I didn't want to see you! Move out of the way. For your information, I was not hiding. I was looking for my pen." He fell back on his ass as she crawled her way out and brushed past him. She squealed in shock as he grabbed hold of her to steady himself but she landed on top of him.

A harsh sound came from him, as she knocked the breath out of him. Her knee landed on his crotch, her breast on his face and her body on his chest. (Awwww shame! Not! Poor thing almost died.) They wrestled as he tried to roll her until he was on top of her and she tried to get away from him. Riley's mind was on fire. She gritted her teeth and shouted at him to get off of her, once he managed to roll her over. He just grinned. He hadn't had so much fun in years. She tried to buck him off with her hips. "Get off! Oh you fat ass. You are heavy." The idiot laughed just thinking about his fat ass. He laughed a deep, belly laugh. She just looked at him. She had always loved his laugh. His joy at that moment, made her still and look at him. She froze. His laughing stopped as awareness arose. The look they shared was intense. So full, of emotion, of unspoken feelings, of unspoken longings. His head slowly lowered, as his body settled on hers. Their lips touched. Gently, like a butterfly's touch. Their eyes closed. Their lips moved in unison. Fire burned. Flames raced. Their lips moved harder. Faster. His tongue probed. Seeking entrance. Riley parted her lips, allowing him in. Hungry. Excited. Conquered. A kiss fueled by passion. A kiss of hate. A kiss undone. Voices outside, brought them back. They quickly pulled apart and helped each other up.

They righted their clothes in a hurry. The distance between them grew, as the voices faded. Reality intruded. A reminder of the past. They looked away from each other. Pain reared its head. Just like that, they were back to being strangers again. Indifference in his eyes, that had smoldered a few minutes ago, with desire. Without a word, he turned his back to her and left. The bridge between them, widened as anger, hurt and suffering engulfed both. They didn't realise how the heart was trying to grab onto the other. They failed to hear the message it sent. There were too many obstacles in between. Grace, who had come to talk to Riley, saw her brothers face and anger surfaced. Lucien hadn't even seen her. He walked right past her. She walked to the door, and without knocking, barged in and shut the door behind her. Anger made her fail to see, the carbon copy of what she had seen outside. Riley was startled to see the sister of the man who had annihilated her, a long time ago, so soon after she had been tortured, with what could have been. She smiled through her pain. "Hey Grace. You look gorgeous. Did we have plans? I'm sorry if I forgot. I'm glad you're here though. There's something I want to discuss with you. Grace? What's the matter?" Grace's silence and accusing look, finally got through to Riley. "Riley, let's sit shall we?" Both sat. Riley in her chair, and Grace opposite her desk. Riley waited for Grace to speak. She realized how upset Grace looked and was worried.

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