Please give me a chance!

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AN: Lucien is about to tell Riley everything. She is very stubborn and unforgiving. Will she forgive him?

Lucien looked at his brat and shook his head. Riley was also impatient and could never listen quietly. She had always been like that. It was worse when she was a child. Then, she had been like a dog with a bone. You couldn't shake her off. "Riley, please listen then you can ask questions. Please stop interrupting me." Riley sulkily agreed, making a dramatic event out of it. She motioned zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Unconvinced, Lucien nevertheless continued with his narrative. He told her everything from the beginning, including, his decision to come to see Riley. He also told her that he didn't trust Elena and was worried about Riley's safety. When he was done, Riley's response was to let Elena come. Inside, her mind was in turmoil. "What if Elena did something to Lucien? Riley couldn't handle it if anything happened to him. She wanted to get Elena before she tried anything." Making up her mind, she called Connor to bring Ryan to her apartment. Elena was Ryan's cousin after all. Maybe he could help, or make suggestions. The guys arrived in a few minutes. She asked Lucien to tell them everything. Lucien was uncomfortable as the guys scrutinized him, as if they had never seen him before. Ryan ofcourse made him uncomfortable with the sultry looks he gave him. When he was done, they were speechless.

Then Ryan erupted. He started cursing in Spanish or something similar. None of them understood. They just looked at him. They didn't know that he could speak any other language. When he finished swearing, he sat down, next to Riley. Putting his arms around her, he pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry Princess. I hate that bitch Elena! How could she do that to you. How could she use me, to trick Lucien into leaving you? How dare she?" He carried on ranting and swearing in the other language. Connor sat quietly, thinking. Suddenly he looked between Lucien and Riley. "There's something you haven't told us. What is it?" Riley and Lucien looked at each other, then Lucien told them about his suspicions about Riley being in danger. Ryan, again, started swearing. His hold on Riley tightened. Lucien was no longer jealous. He understood the bond between them. He watched as Connor approached and hugged both of them. The two men looked at each other above Riley's head then at Lucien, and, an unspoken vow was made. While Riley vowed to protect all three of them. Lucien sat there, quietly observing them. The guys eventually let go but Ryan wouldn't let go of Riley. He held her hand and led her to the sofa where he sat close beside her. "Lucien, what have you arranged so far?" Surprised that Ryan was actually talking to him, Lucien replied that he had arranged bodyguards for Riley and, had, someone spying on Elena. So far, she hadn't left her house. Lucien couldn't help wondering what she was plotting. He was dead certain that Elena wasn't sitting and crying. He knew otherwise.

He motioned to Connor that he wanted to talk to him. Connor wasn't the oblivious type. He asked Ryan to stay with Riley while he showed Lucien their security system. Once at the huge security office which housed a multitude of screens, Connor showed him the access points for entrance and exit and explained how they were all manned by guards. To keep the resort safe, there was only one of each and it was hard for anyone to enter or exit without being seen. Connor then paused and looked at him. Lucien understood his silent question. "Connor, unfortunately, as much as I don't want to admit it, I have to say it. I'm worried for Riley. Elena is dangerous when crossed. I've seen it in her eyes. There is something not quite right, with her. Please talk to the staff to be careful. I don't want to create panic but I've been stupid. I woke up too late. It took seeing Riley again to wake me up. Elena knows I don't love her. I never have but now she might think that I don't want her because I'm back with Riley. Anyhow, as soon as Elena makes a move that is not the right one, I will let you know, then you can alert the staff and security. For now, let's just beef up security. Connor agreed and they spoke some more about Riley's safety. "Lucien spit it out! I know you want to say or ask something. You seem distracted."

Releasing a breath, Lucien jumped in. This was his chance. "Yes! Connor, I want to tell you, that I love Riley very much. I never stopped loving her. Losing her killed me inside. Then the anger came and that's when Elena grabbed her opportunity to cash in on her master plan. Before I knew it, I agreed to go on a date. She was patient and kind. I never saw her true colours so I never suspected a thing. I never stopped loving Riley and Elena knows that. My worry is that since she went to all that trouble to get me, she won't let me go, so easily. There is only one thing standing in her way. Riley! Therefore I, made plans before coming here. The thing is, I need help with Riley. I want to bombard her senses. Riley likes crazy. I'm not like that. Help me please. Help me to get her back. Getting straight to the point, won't work with Riley. She needs an assault on her senses. Will you help me Connor, both you and Ryan?" "Okay Lucien, I will help. We both will help. On one condition though. Keep your eyes off of my man!" "What? I didn't, I never, I wouldn't......Connor.....Connor! You're joking right? Right?" Connor chuckled as Lucien almost ran behind him as they left the security room. "Relax Lucien. I'm kidding man. Chill!" Lucien wanted to kick him but since he needed his help, he controlled himself. He settled for a dirty look instead. Connor laughed harder.

They made their way back to the apartment. Ryan was holding on to Riley and preventing her from walking away. He was on his knees. She was shouting at him. "Ryan please! I have to pee. You can't come to the bathroom with me.  Come on Ryan. They said watch me. They didn't say to keep me a prisoner. Ryan, I'm getting angry. Let me go, unless you want me to pee right here." Ryan let go so quickly that Riley lost her balance and started to fall. Lucien ran the few steps needed to catch her and he slipped over Ryan's foot. He fell on top of Riley. Connor started laughing. "Lucien, you big ape, get your fat ass off me! Now!" Lucien quickly stood and lifted Riley up from the floor. He set her on her feet. She was hopping mad. She stamped her foot. "Ouch!My butt hurts. You three are going to drive me crazy. I can defend myself. Have you forgotten that. I will be back in a few minutes and we will talk about this. She gave Lucien and Ryan disgusted looks and ran to the bathroom. Her bladder was full and these idiots just made it worse. When she was done, she marched back to the lounge area to find all three seated on one couch. She took the single seater and wondered how come Lucien was so pally with her 'brothers'. What had happened in the few minutes that she had been away.

"Right! I will talk. The three of you, will listen. I can take care of myself.  I am well aware of the danger. My concern is everyone in the resort. Let's work together on this. No trying to keep me like a prisoner. It will only make me unwilling to cooperate. Do we understand? Right then, what's the plan?" Connor was the one who answered. The other two, were scared to upset Riley. She spoke like she was in charge and glared at them. Lucien looked at her with admiration and respect. His girl was level headed and unphased, in the face of danger. He was proud of her too. He was afraid for her, but he would make sure that she was protected at all cost. He let her and Connor talk, uninterrupted, as he gazed at the woman he loved.

AN: What will happen next. How is Lucien going to get his girl? Can he act crazy? Will Elena make a move?

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