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November 1943Azzano, Italy

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November 1943
Azzano, Italy

Back at the camp and Noelle had managed to keep the mission secret the entire night but when Stark and Agent Carter arrived back at camp the next morning with a busted plane and a missing Captain America; it didn't take a genius to work out what they had done. Instead of sending the woman back to Brooklyn, which would have been protocol, the officers felt bad for her and offered her a position at camp for as long as she needed it. They knew that she had lost Bucky as he was part of the captured fleet but now that Steve hadn't returned either, they didn't want to upset her by making her leave. Noelle had faith that Steve would be back soon; of course, he hadn't reached out with the transponder but that didn't mean that the mission had failed. She knew that she could trust Steve, he had never let her down before and there was no way he was going to start now. She was finishing up her duties with one of the injured soldiers, when Agent Carter caught her eye, making her way through the camp.

They hadn't had chance to catch up because Colonel Phillips was raging after finding out that his own officer had continued a mission behind his back, ignoring orders and endangering more people than he wanted. Agent Carter was good at hiding her emotions but it was obvious that she was worried about her position at the camp now that she had used her power in a personal way. All Noelle wanted was to talk to her but that was harder than she thought as they had both been busy and hadn't had time to talk to each other about the mission that had neither failed or succeeded. Noelle dropped her apron on the desk which had been deemed her own, and ran out of the tent, following Agent Carter as she made her way to the officials tent and ready for whatever punishment was coming her way.

"Have you heard anything?"

Agent Carter stopped in her tracks, knowing that Noelle didn't mean any harm and was just curious as to what was happening. It wasn't part of her job to know about the secret missions but she was Steve's best friend and if he trusted her then she could trust her too. "I'm afraid not." Agent Carter replied, refusing to look directly into her eyes and then began walking towards the tent again.

"You're going to get into trouble, aren't you?" Noelle pondered, which made Agent Carter stop in her tracks, her voice sounded concerned and it was enough to make the agent turn around to face her. "For helping Steve?"

"I made a choice, Miss Dean." She said curtly, not in the mood to talk about the possibly failed mission which she would potentially lose her job over. "I will face the repercussions of that choice."

"But you did the right thing, Steve would agree with me. Trust me, we did what was right."

"I'll believe that when I see it."

Noelle shook her head, forcing a smile onto her face as she knew that keeping hope alive was the only way they were getting through the next few days. "You just need a little faith."

"I see you haven't been kicked off base yet, has Colonel Phillips not talked to you?" Agent Carter ignored the comment about faith and changed the subject, wanting to know how the woman had weaselled herself into staying on the camp when she wasn't qualified to do anything.

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