Stefan Salvatore

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 Today was the day Luna would finally reveal her feelings for Stefan Salvatore. It didn't matter if he liked her back or not, but hoped he did. Luna had made a promise to herself that on the day that was special to her she would tell him. Today was that day, her birthday, to reveal all to Stefan.

Luna put her car in park and grabbed the card she bought early in the week and proceeded to the front door of the boarding house. She knocked on the wooden frame and waited. The door opened to reveal the nephew of the Salvatore Brothers

"Hi, is Stefan here?" Luna asked with a smile.

"No, he's out at the moment" Zach replied, "You can come in and wait for him."

"No, thank you though. Could you give this to him when he gets back please?"

Zach nodded, taking the envelope from Luna.

"Thanks, Zach" she yelled waving as she ran to her car.

He waved goodbye as Luna drove off then went inside. Hours had passed since the drop-off of the card. Luna sat looking miserable as time ticked away on the clock. She shook her head of the negative thoughts trying to ensnare her. He would come whether to reject her or not he would come. Luna finally gave up after the clock struck midnight which officially ended her birthday. Tears escaped her eyes as she hugged her blanket closer to her. They eventually became the doorway to sleep.

"Luna, Luna..hey beautiful wake up" a voice whispered softly.

Luna's eyes fluttered open to meet a pair of brown ones.

"Stefan, what are you doing here?" She asked groggily sitting up.

"I'm here to see you."

"At three in the morning!?"

Stefan let out a chuckle as he stood from his crouching position. He put a box on Luna's lap, which made her look at him in confusion.

"Open it" he gestured to it.

She lifted the lid and removed the tissue paper. Luna gasped at the gift. Luna pulled out a sundress that was white with blue and purple swirls.

"Stefan it's beautiful" she gushed, holding it to her chest.

"I'm glad because I need you to put it on for our trip," he said walking to Luna's bedroom door.

Before she could ask what he meant she was alone. Luna got up and changed into the sundress and put her hair in a half up and half down style. She made her way out of her room and to the top of the stairs. Luna found Stefan staring up at her with a smile upon his lips. She walked down the steps giving a smile back to him.

"You look gorgeous in that dress Luna" Stefan whispered taking her hand in his.

"Thank you," Luna said, looking down blushing.

"I need you to close your eyes and hold me tightly," Stefan instructed, wrapping her arms around his neck, "And you look cute when you blush."

Luna buried her head in Stefan's shoulder as he took off to their destination, her blush deepening. Once her embarrassment passed Luna felt the wind against her skin. Just as she was enjoying it the air became still.

"We're here" Stefan whispered close to her ear.

Luna opened her eyes and found them by a lake that had a waterfall flowing into it. Trees surrounded the lake and each one had strings of light among the leaves. Luna turned in a circle looking at everything in stunned silence.

"When I got home Zach gave me your card Luna," Stefan said as Luna faced him again, "I'm sorry it took me so long to come to you I was setting this up."

Stefan walked closer to Luna not taking his eyes from hers. He gently caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Would you do me this honor of giving me a dance?" Stefan asked.

"I thought you didn't dance" Luna smiled at his upturned hand.

Stefan's lips rose into a smile as Luna slipped her hand into his. He held their hands in the air as he put the other on her waist. Luna slipped her hand on his shoulder and they started dancing. Stefan's gaze kept Luna mesmerized as they twirled in endless circles to their own hearts' music. He let go of her waist and spun her before pulling her right back in. The full moon's light creates a spotlight for the couple, which causes their eyes to glitter. Luna forgot about the world around her and just held on to this moment with Stefan. As their steps slowed down he dipped her low and brought her back up slowly. Their lips were inches apart as the dance came to its conclusion. Stefan brushed his nose against Luna's and captured her lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

"I love you too Luna" he whispered after pulling away.

Luna smiled the biggest smile ever as she pulled Stefan into a hug.

"Happy Birthday my angel."

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