Barry Allen

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Luna walked into the empty and messy forensic lab. She giggled into her hand making her way over to the desk covered in scattered papers.

"Only you Barry" Luna whispered as she gently laid an envelope upon the surface.

She quickly made her way out of the lab and down the stairs. Luna made it to the first floor only to run into someone at the bottom of the stairs. She looks up at the person to find Joe smiling back at her.

"Hi Joe" Luna greets giving him a hug.

"Hey Luna, what are you doing here?" he asked letting go of the hug.

"Nothing just leaving something for Barry" she replied.

"Ah, I see" Joe nodded in understanding, "Good luck."

"Thanks Joe" Luna shouted as she left

Later on in the day Luna was sitting at a back table in Jitters watching people interacting with each other. She noticed Barry and his friends at the front door of the shop and smiled down at her drink. Luna finished the rest of the liquid from the cup and got up to throw it away. After disposing of her trash, Luna walked past the group of friends with a smile still upon her lips. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she never noticed a set of eyes planted on her back.

Luna awoke with a start at the sound of knocking at her door. She looked to the clock which read 12:00 A.M. then proceeded to get out of bed. Luna shuffled to her apartment door wondering why anyone would be at her door at midnight. She twisted the knob and opened the door to find no one there. Luna looked both ways of the outside hallway not finding anyone. She stepped back to close the door but caught sight of something at her feet. Luna looked down and found a red envelope with her name written on it. She furrowed her eyebrows as she picked up the envelope and quickly shut the door. Luna opened the envelope and pulled out the paper inside. She unfolded the letter and began reading it's contents. Luna dropped the letter, grabbed her keys, and bolted out the door.

Some time passed by as Luna stood in front of Jitters. She debated whether she really should go in or not. Finally, Luna opened the door and walked nervously into the dark building. She let her eyes adjust to the dark not finding anyone else here.

"I didn't think you were going to show up" a voice spoke up behind her.

Luna gasped and spun around to find The Flash standing there.

"Why wouldn't I?" she asked.

"You don't know me and I asked you to come to a building with no one here" he pointed out.

"I trust you" Luna stated.

"Why would you" The Flash asked.

"Because I know who you are underneath the mask" she answered smiling.

"W-What" he stuttered.

"I know who you are, but I won't tell anyone" Luna said shuffling from foot to foot. She looked at the ground not meeting the man's eyes.

"How did you find out" he asked stepping closer to her.

"It wasn't that hard considering you're always late when your saving others" Luna replied still not looking up.

"I guess you're right" he whispered lifting Luna's chin up, "So how long have you had feelings for me?"

Luna's face got bright red, "Um..since we first met."

Without saying a word Barry leaned in and captured her lips into a kiss. They pulled apart after a minute.

"I have feelings for you too" Barry said with a smile.

Luna reached up and removed the mask. She gazed into his eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry wrapped one of his arms around her waist and the other gently caressed her cheek.

"I love you Luna" he whispered.

"I love you too Barry" she whispered back.

They leaned in and kissed again forgetting about the world around them.

The Letter One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now