Willy Wonka

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 Luna watched the chocolate man search around the room for her, as she hid behind a group of working Oompa Loompas. As the man left the room Luna sat back with a sigh, letting her black curtain her face. She felt a tug on her shirt sleeve, which prompted her to peek through her hair. She found an Oompa Loompa staring at her with concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry" Luna reassured.

The Oompa Loompa lit up with a smile before going back to work. Luna spent some time watching the Oompa Loompas work occasionally helping them when they asked. After awhile Luna decided to go check out what was new in the inventing room. She got on the pink seahorse boat that pulled up, but not before greeting the workers. Luna loved the wind that was creating going through the tunnels so fast, it was her favorite part of the factory. The boat slowed down after a few minutes, and made its way in front of the door to the inventing room. Luna got up when the boat stopped and thanked the Oompa Loompas for taking her there. She opened the door and was greeted by the sounds of machines.

"Luna where are you" a male voice shouted out.

She quickly hid behind the first machine near her to avoid the owner of that voice. Maybe she shouldn't have left that note if Luna knew she was going to run from the chocolatier.

"Luna, Cocoa Bean, where are you?" the man said dejectedly.

"Willy" she called coming from behind the machine.

"COCOA BEAN!" he shouted grabbing the girl and spinning her around, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Luna let out a laugh at the man's childish antics.

Willy set the girl down and grabbed her hand, "We need to go somewhere more private."

"Okay" was her only reply.

They arrived at a purple door, which Luna had never seen before. Willy took out his ring of keys and used one to unlock the door. He pushed the door open and lead the confused girl inside. The room had white walls a brown door on the opposite wall. A king-sized bed sat to the right with purple bedding and a small, brown night stand was next to it. Another door which was a lighter brown had its home next to the night stand. A long desk sat on the third wall by itself and was covered with different papers and writing utensils.

"Is this your room" Luna asked looking around.

"Yeah" he answered observing her reaction.

Luna turned to the man with a smile on her face, "It's suits you very well and purple is my favorite color for you."

Her eyes widened at the words that she let slip from her lips, as Willy's face lit up with a smile at what the girl said. Luna's cheeks grew hot with the blush as she looked away from the man in front of her. Willy used his thumb and forefinger o bring her face forward. Luna lost the ability to breath as she looked into Willy's eyes.

"Breath Luna, I don't my cocoa bean to leave me before I say what my feelings are" he whispered amused.

She took in a shaky breath allowing her brain to process his words, "What feelings?"

Willy let out an adorable giggle at the girl's question as he removed his hand from her chin and moved it up to gently caress her cheek.

"I love you, my little cocoa bean" he responded with a look of admiration and love.

Willy reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Please tell me what's in this note is true" he pleaded.

"Every word of it is true from the moment I met you" Luna replied.

She became brave enough to wrap her hand around Willy's neck and pulled him into a kiss. They're lips moved in perfect sync, like jigsaw pieces The need for air consumed them so they reluctantly pulled away. They smiled at each other with little pink blushes on their faces. Willy grabbed Luna's hand and dragged over to the bed.

"Willy?" she uttered in confusion.

Without saying anything he pulled them both on the bed. Luna was still confused as to what Willy's intentions were.

"Do you mind if we just cuddle for the rest of the day" he questioned in a whisper.

Luna gave Willy a soft smile, "You don't have to even ask Willy."

They got comfortable within each other's arms on the purple comforter.

"I love you Willy."

"I love you too Luna." 

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