Roman Sionis

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Luna sat at the bar scanning the drunken crowd with blue eyes. She didn't really want to be here but her friend Victor had called and asked her to stop by. Now here she was in a black dress at the bar with no Victor in sight. Luna let out a sigh as she flagged a bartender down for another drink.

"Ah there's my favorite girl" Luna heard from behind her.

     "About time Zsasz, honestly I couldn't be more bored" she let out, turning to her friend. A wicked grin sat upon his lips as he stood next to her with his back to the bar.

"Sorry, had some business to take care of," he replied nonchalantly.

Luna shrugged her shoulders as she followed Victor's example of looking out to the club. She caught sight of Victor's boss Roman Sionis who was currently entertaining a couple of ladies. Luna let out a huff as she averted her gaze from the scene. Victor saw this and a smirk crawled upon his face.

"You know Luna if it bothers you so much just go over there and say so" he teased.

"Nope not gonna happen Zsasz" she answered, spinning in her seat.

"Doesn't matter, I already set things in motion for you two" Victor replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Luna narrowed her eyes at the man, "What did you do Victor?"

"I may have stolen that story of yours that has the love notes in it and given it to Roman to read" Victor innocently responded.

"WHAT!" This caught the attention of everyone around including the man of said conversation. Luna couldn't believe what her friend had done. She didn't want Roman to know of her feelings yet, hell he didn't even seem to reciprocate them if he was with other girls. Tears pricked at the back of Luna's eyes but she refused to let them fall.

"Thanks a lot Victor" Luna spat before getting up and storming out of the club.

Keys jingled as the lock clicked open and the apartment door swung open. Luna slammed the door shut and threw her keys on the coffee table which slid to the other side of the table on the floor. She cursed under her breath and walked down her hallway. Luna went into the door to the left and stripped off her clothes. She made her way into the adjoined bathroom and turned on the tub faucet. Once Luna had the right temperature she turned the shower head on, got in the tub, and pulled the curtain closed. She let the water cascade down her body as she sighed in relief, as she let all her problems fade down the drain. Luna washed up with her lavender scented body and scrubbed her hair with strawberry shampoo and conditioner. After she finished up she stepped out of the tub and grabbed the towel of the rack. Luna had the towel firmly secured around her as she stepped into the bedroom. She let out a scream when she saw Victor on the bed.

"Jesus Christ Victor are you insane" Luna yelled, holding a hand over her heart, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"First I want to say I'm sorry about what I did, I should have thought about you when I gave the papers over to Boss."

Luna crossed her arms over her chest listening to Victor letting out a half-assed apology. "Victor I know you don't mean that because you never think of anyone's feelings so cut the crap and tell me why you're really here."

Victor let out a chuckle as he stood up from the bed, "You do know me better than anyone else. Boss wants to see you at the club."



"NO! I don't want to see him, because I don't want to hear what he has to say, now could you please go" Luna spoke as she pointed at her bedroom door.

Victor gave her a look that said she would regret turning down his boss but he knew not to get into it with her so he left. Luna let out a heavy sigh and got dressed in her pajamas. She pulled back her covers and climbed in her bed. Luna fell asleep with an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Clear blue skies greeted the people as Luna weaved through the crowd. She finally made it to the end and entered the small cafe. Luna ordered her tea and muffin and stood off to the side while the barista made her order. She dug through her pocket and left a money tip in the jar as her order was handed to her.

"Thank you" Luna that the person before making her way out of the building.

Outside the crowd had thinned out which gave Luna a happy feeling. She turned to go back to her apartment but ran into a person standing in her way. Luna looked up to find a suit cladded Roman standing there with a smirk on his face. She glanced away from him and tried to go around him but he stepped with her.

"Sionis, move I just want to drink my tea and eat my muffin in peace without any drama." 

"We need to talk and it can't wait."

"Well too bad" Luna shot back as she pushed past him.

Luna walked the three blocks to her apartment and went into the building. She pulled out her keys and unlocked her door. As she stepped through the threshold a body pushed her all the way in and shut the door behind. Luna heard the lock click as she whipped around to give the person a piece of her mind. There stood Roman smoothing out his hair and fixing his suit.

"Really! What the hell is wrong with you?" Luna yelled.

"I told you we need to talk" Roman stated calmly.

"Unbelievable" she mumbled, turning away from the man. Luna went into her kitchen and grabbed the cleaning supplies she needed to get the tea and muffin off her floor. After she threw the mess away and returned her cleaning supplies she went over to Roman with crossed arms.

"You're lucky I don't slap you."

Roman raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"I'm not scared of you. I know how people like you are plus I'm friends with your right hand remember."

"True" Roman said, stepping closer to the girl, "But that's one of the things I find attractive about you."

Luna looked at the man with wide eyes as she tried to get her brain to make words. Roman walked up to the shocked girl and brushed his hand across her cheek.

"W-What" Luna was finally able to get out.

"Looks like you're at a loss for words for the first time" Roman whispered against the girl's lips. He sealed their lips together as he wrapped her in his arms. Their kiss started off soft but became more passionate as time went on. They broke apart when their lungs screamed for air. They looked into each others' eyes, their noses barely touching.

"I love you my firecracker" Roman said with a smirk, "And I love how you portrayed me in your story."

Luna slapped Roman's arm as she smirked back at him, "Who said it was you?" She laughed at the look on Roman's face before pulling him in for another kiss.

"I love you too my face peeling manic."

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