Uryu Ishida

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Luna was a student at Karakura High School. She had mid-length, black hair with dark blue eyes. Currently she was walking to her school with a square, green box. Upon the box was a white envelope that contained every detail of her feelings for her crush. It was Valentine's Day and nerves shot up and down her body as she made it to the gates of the school. With one final deep breath, Luna walked into the throng of students heading inside the building.

Lunch time had come around as Luna watch girls surround different desks.. Each guy accepted their gifts graciously and with brilliant smiles. Luna got up from her desk and made her way out of the classroom, the box against her chest. She arrived at the door to the roof and was about to open it until someone else did. The edge of the door caught the box's corner and knocked it out of Luna's hand. The sweets that were inside scattered across the floor in millions of pieces. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked at the ruined gift.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" a female voice exclaimed.

Luna shook her head and put on a fake smile.

"It's okay" Luna glanced at the person, "You didn't know I was by the door."

"Orihime, is something wrong" a male voice asked.

The red head turned around to the stranger.

"I knocked into this girl by accident and made her drop her gift"

"Really Orihime, you should be more careful" another male voice said.

Luna was still staring at the gift not noticing that an orange haired male and her crush Uryu walked into the hallway. She finally snapped out of it when Uryu began to pick up the box.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT" she shouted snatching the box away.

Luna hugged the empty box to her person, while receiving surprised looks from the three people. She turned and ran back to her classroom not bothering to say anything.

Later on that day, Luna was walking home with the envelope in her hand. She had gotten rid of the box knowing it was pointless to keep it. Disappointment rang through her being as she clutched the letter by her leg.

"I'm so stupid. How could I think we could get together."

Luna walked up to her door and unlocked it. Closing the door, she set her bag down and removed her shoes. Luna padded across the floor heading to the kitchen to prepare her dinner. After making it, she sat down at her tiny table and ate quietly. Luna set the dishes in the sink and went to take a shower.

A week passed by since Valentine's Day and Luna kept to herself most of the time. One day she decided to go outside for lunch and sit against a wall. Her lunch bag sat in front of her untouched. She pulled the letter from her book bag and fiddled with it.


Luna gazed up at Uryu and the others from a week ago.


She looked down at the envelope in her hands again.

"I'm sorry about destroying your gift" Orihime apologized.

Luna got up to leave, grabbing her lunch on the way.

"It's fine" she answered before leaving the group.

After school Luna sat on top of her house twirling the envelope in between her fingers. She saw movement down below and peeked down. Uryu was walking up her walk space toward her door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

The voice startled the young man before he glanced up at the black-haired girl on the roof. Her hand came up to her face to stop a giggle and in doing so dropped the letter off the side. She tried to grab it but missed by inches. The envelope fell in front of Uryu with the front facing up, which showed the name. He picked it up confused at seeing his name written. Uryu gazed up to find the girl gone before looking back down at the letter. He ripped the envelope open and unfolded the paper. Uryu read the contents and looked up at the roof again.

"Luna can you come down please" he yelled up.

No response came from the girl so he gave out a sigh. He proceeded to find a way on top the structure and found Luna sitting away from the edge.


Luna jumped at the close voice and turned to Uryu standing there.

"H-Hi" she gave a shy wave.

He smiled at her cuteness and strolled over to her. Uryu sat in front of Luna with that soft smile still on his face.

"Did this go with those sweets?"

Luna nodded unable to form words.

"Thank you."

She smiled at him. Uryu reach out and grabbed one of her hands.

"Would you like to go out for dinner some time?"

Luna's smile grew and threw herself at him.. He caught her as they hugged.

"I'll take that as a yes." he chuckled.

He tightened the hug not wanting her to go.

The Letter One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now