Eddie Redmayne

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The black-haired girl scanned the brunette in front of her. They had just been discussion sending letters to their celebrity crush, which surprised her. Her friend wasn't really the type to have an attraction to a celebrity often if at all.

"Are you sure about this Tiff?" the girl asked.

"Luna come on it'll be fun" Tiffany exclaimed excitedly.

Only Tiffany would think confessing one's feelings to your crush would be fun.

"I don't know about this Tiff" Luna said looking down

Tiffany jumped up from the couch and grabbed her friend's hand and dragged her into another room. She let go of Luna and rampaged through her closet. Tiffany pulled out a box and set it next to her friend on the bed.

"In this box is different paper and utensils to write with, just choose your favorite and begin to write." Tiffany explained reaching in the box and pulling out her materials.

Luna peered into the box and found an assortment of colored paper and different writing pens. She chose a pale blue paper with a dark purple pen and went to work writing. After both of them finished they put them in an envelope and wrote down the necessary information on the front. The friends hurried outside the house just in time to meet the mail person and gave the stamped letters to them. Both of them then went inside and had a movie night with soda and pizza.

It had been well over a month sent they sent the letters and Luna was casually sitting on her sofa. Tiffany had called yesterday and told her that she had received an autograph from her celeb, but nothing from the guy Luna had wrote. This didn't bother her as it did her friend because the guy was famous and probably had hundreds if not thousands of letters sent to him everyday. Luna threw her phone on the table next to her as she got up from her lazy position. She decided to get up and clean her apartment. Luna grabbed her cleaning supplies from the hall closet and got to work.

Several hours later, the doorbell rang which startled the girl. 'Who could that be' she thought as she walked to the door. Luna opened the door to find a man with a single rose and a card in his hand.

"Can I help you" she asked sweetly.

"Are you Luna Light" the man answered.

"Yes that's me" Luna replied becoming a little confused.

The man handed the rose and letter to her, "These are for you."

"Hold on a second" she disappeared into her apartment.

She came back out and handing the man a few dollars and waved bye to him. Luna retreated back and closed the door locking behind her. She placed the rose in a small vase with water and brought it and the card to her coffee table. Luna set the vase in the middle of the table and admired it for a few seconds before sitting down. She opened the card,

Luna Light

Thank you for the letter you sent me.

If you would allow me I'd like to treat you to dinner at 7.

Eddie Redmayne

Luna dropped the card in shock. 'There's no way he got my letter personal' she thought picking up the card and rereading it. She scrambled off the couch grabbing her phone on the way. Luna called Tiffany as she burst through her bedroom door.

"Hello" Tiffany's voice sounded.

"OH MY GOD! Tiffany he got my letter" she rushed out.

"Woah calm down Luna I didn't get that"

Luna took a deep breath, "Eddie Redmayne got my letter Tiff and he wants to take me to dinner."

"Oh my god that's amazing Luna" she exclaimed.

"I know, but I need you help" Luna pleaded.

"I'm on my way."

"Thanks Tiff."

"Anything for my friend."

Ten minutes later Tiffany was at Luna's apartment helping her pick out a cute outfit for the dinner. After going through multiple outfits Luna threw her hands up in the air getting ready to give up, until she spotted something behind her friend. She pulled a turquoise dress that went a little passed the knees and put against her front.

"Girl he will not be able to take his eyes off of you."

"You think so."

"I know so. Now go put it on and I'll do your hair."

Luna hurried to the bathroom and changed into the dress. She came out and gave a twirl for her friend. Tiffany squealed and dragged Luna over to her dresser mirror. She thought for a moment before beginning to put Luna's hair up in a half up and half down to go with the dress. After they were done, the friends chatted until it was close to seven. There was a knock on the door, which had Luna pushing her friend towards the back room. Finally, she made it back to the door and opened it. There stood Eddie with a bouquet of roses shifting on his feets. He noticed her standing there and straightened up.

"Hi, these are for you" Eddie said handing the roses to her.

"Thank you" Luna responded taking them from him.

She goes into the apartment to grab a larger vase for the roses, "You can come in while I put this in a vase."

Eddie stood by the open door watching the girl putting the flowers in a vase, which she places on her island. Luna strolled over to the man grabbing her phone on the way.

"Ready to go" she asked with a smile.

"After you m'lady" he replied.

"Thank you kind sir"

They made their way to a car outside. Eddie opened the passenger door for Luna like a gentleman and she thanked him. He rounded the vehicle and got into the driver's seat. Eddie started the car and drove out of the parking lot. As they were driving, Luna kept sneaking peeks at him not truly believe this was happening. She never thought Eddie Redmayne would be taking her out to dinner. They pulled up to a nice restaurant and Eddie shut off the car. He got out making his way over to her side and opened her door. Eddie helped Luna out and led her into the building. The hostess showed them to a table after getting how many people. The table was in a back corner where no one would bother them. They got their menus and looked it over for a few minutes. Both found what they wanted and ordered. As they waited for their food they made small talk. The food arrived and they continued the conversation as they ate.

Later on, Eddie took Luna to the park for a walk.

"How'd you like dinner" he asked.

"It was great! Thank you for taking me" she replied.

"You're welcome" Eddie said with a smile.

They continued to walk for a few more minutes. Luna knew this wouldn't last long so she abruptly stopped in her tracks. This caught Eddie's attention so he walked back to her.

"Luna are you okay?"

She shook her head as tears slipped from her blue eyes.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?"

Luna took a couple steps back avoiding his touch. Eddie took her in his arms and held her as she cried. He pulled back and lifted Luna's chin with his thumb and forefinger.

"Why are you crying."

"This is going to end and I won't get to see you again"

"It doesn't have to end."

Luna looked up at the man confused. Eddie used his thumbs to wipe away the remaining tears.

"I want this to continue if you'll have me."

"My letter didn't say enough for you?"

Eddie laughed and pulled Luna closer. He cupped her cheek and captured her lips into a kiss.

He pulled away, "I love you too Luna"

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