Mort Rainey

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Luna approached the cabin with caution even though she knew no one was home. She reached the front door and quickly slid the paper in her hand passed the bottom of it. Luna ran to her car and drove away from the house as she let out the breath she was holding in.

"Hopefully he'll like the poem" she spoke out loud.

Luna had been wanting to give the poem to the man ever since he started coming into her town. The man would always have on a different shirt with either his brown jacket or sweater with the different colored diamonds. His pants would either be grey or brown and depending on the day would wear a black beanie to accommodate the look. Glasses adorned his face that he would push if the fell in the slightest which made Luna's heart flutter.

After driving for forty minutes, Luna finally reached her apartment building. She put the car in park and shut it off and immediately let a groan slip past her lips as she fell forward against the steering wheel.

"I'm an idiot! He's never going to like that poem."

Luna got out of her car and made her way to her apartment door. She unlocked it, walked inside, and locked it back up. As Luna wandered to her bathroom, she remembered that her name wasn't on the paper. This allowed for Luna to relax a little considering if he didn't like it the poem couldn't be linked to her. Luna let the thoughts drift away as she proceeded to get ready for bed.

The next day Luna sat at the farthest table from the library doors. She pulled out her journal and wrote random ideas and thoughts in it. Luna looked up after finishing a random thought to find the man she'd just left her words with at the doors. He walked straight over to the librarian and had a few words with them. The man left with a dejected look on his face after the conversation ended. Luna got up quickly making sure to grab her book and hurried over to the person.

"Hey what was that guy in here for because her looked kinda sad or something" Luna asked the librarian.

"He wanted to see if I may recognize this handwriting of a poem he received" the person answered.


"I told him no but I do remember that style."

Luna looked at the person with a confused expression.

"If you know who the person was why didn't you tell him" Luna asked looking at the door.

"I don't think you should involve yourself with Mort Rainey Luna" the librarian responded with concern.

Luna turned back to the person, "Why not?"

"There are rumors going around about how he's dangerous."

Without responding, Luna left the library and scanned the town looking at all the people. She spotted Mort not to far from the building talking to a couple. Luna watched as he pointed to a paper in his hand while speaking to the people. She decided to head in the direction of her place not wanting to know what he wanted. Luna didn't believe in the rumors people spread about Mort, but she didn't want to find out what he really thought of her poem.

Later that day, Luna was reading over her favorite poems to gain some insight on improving her own. A light knock sounded on the apartment door. She put down the book she held while getting up from the couch. Luna opened the door to find the handsome Mort Rainey there.

"Hi Sorry to bother you" he said looking concerned.

"H-Hello" was all she could say.

Mort shifted on his feet for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Um, I was wondering if you knew this handwriting" He asked holding up the piece of paper which held Luna's poem.

She looked at it briefly before replying, "I do actually."

Mort's face lit up like a Christmas tree and a huge grin spread across it.

"Really" he excitedly exclaimed.

"Yeah but what do you want from them" Luna hesitantly asked.

"Oh I wanted to tell them how amazing their writing is" Mort replied, "I also wanted to maybe get to know them better."

Luna looked confused and shocked by his statement. She shook her head to clear up any thoughts or feelings of shock.

"I'll have to find the other writings to get the name for you so I'll give you the name tomorrow" Luna spoke not meeting his eyes.

"Great you can bring it to my house at around noon" Mort cheered.

He turned and left Luna standing in her doorway looking after him. She sighed and closed her door making sure it was locked. Luna went over to her medium-sized chest that was next to her bookcase. She opened it with the key around her neck and pulled out her book of previous poems she wrote. Luna places it gently on the coffee table and went up to bed for the night.

At around noon, Luna pulled up to the cabin still finding it just as beautiful as before. She parked the car and took some deep, slow breaths before getting out. Luna walked up to the front door and knocked. There was some shuffling sounds she heard before the door was opened.

"Hi I got the other poems and name" Luna greeted holding up her book.

"Great" Mort replied back opening the door wider for her.

She stepped into the cabin far enough so he could close the door. After closing the door Mort put his hand on Luna's lower back and guided her over to the couch. They sat down beside each other as their emotions heightened for what's to come. Luna handed the book over to Mort, who took it eagerly, and waited in silence as pages flipped.

"Luna Light" Mort whispered as he read through some of the poems.

Luna looked at her hands as she nervously fiddled with them. Mort closed the book after a while and put it on the table in front of him.

"How long have you been writing those" he turned to her.

Luna tensed up and didn't respond to his question.

"I kinda had my suspicions it was you but you bringing this book confirmed it" Mort answered her unspoken question.

He brushed some of her black hair behind her ear ever so gently.

"Sin-Since h-high sch-school" Luna stuttered out.

She continued looking at her lap not wanting to face him.

"You're an amazing writer" he whispered to her.

He gently lifted her face to look at him. Luna's breath caught in her throat as Mort softly brushed her cheek with his fingers. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, before Mort broke the silence.

"How did you...?" He left the question open.

"I've seen you around our town and I couldn't help it" Luna stated blushing and wanted to look away.

Mort tangled his fingers into her hair and pulled her forward into a kiss. She kissed back immediately, their lips moving in sync. They pulled away for air reluctantly.

"Stay with me tonight" Mort said brushing his nose against Luna's.

"Okay" Luna replied before being pulled into another kiss.

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