Renji Abarai

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Blue eyes filled with tears as the black-haired girl walked away from the scene, playing before her eyes. She rushed to her favorite spot by the crystal clear blue lake and cried alone. The girl sat on the ground and pulled her legs to her chest. She rested her head on her knees and watched birds soar over the water. A breeze blew the leaves of the surrounding trees gently as a small smile sat upon her lips.

Dusk had approached before the girl made her way back to her room. When she got there, several people were standing there.

"Luna, thank god" someone came rushing from the group.

"Hi, Rukia."

"Where the hell have you been?"

"By the lake" Luna replied sadly looking down.

"Alright everyone, Luna is safe so ya'll can leave," Rukia shouted, shooing everyone away.

As everyone left, Luna approached her room and opened the sliding door. Luna flopped on her bed with a huff as Rukia slid the door shut behind her.

"Why were you at the lake?"

"I gave him the letter Rukia."

"You did?"

"Yeah, but he laughed at it as if it was nothing."


Luna heard the door slid open with a loud bang. She sat up and saw her best friend had left the door wide open. Luna jumped out of bed as quick as a cheetah and sprinted after Rukia.

"RUKIA" Luna yelled looking for her friend.

She finally found her talking with Renji, well screaming at him. Luna concealed her spiritual pressure and got closer to the two.



Rukia shook her head and whispered, "No, it wasn't Renji."

Luna watched her walk away from a confused Renji. The red-haired man watched the girl go before he turned and left. Luna sat on the edge of the building, gazing at him.

"What do I love you" she whispered to herself.

Later, she returned to her room and got ready for bed. Luna pulled her pale blue covers back and climbed into bed. Once her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep dreaming about a certain man.

The next day, Luna got ready for her duties. She put her hair up in a half up, half down style, she grabbed her zanpakuto and left. A couple of minutes later she arrived at division 13's barracks.

"Good morning Captain Ukitake" Luna greeted coming into the office.

"Good morning, Luna. Can you do me a favor?" he replied with a smile.

"Yes, sir."

"Can you bring these papers to division six, please."

"Yes, sir" Luna bowed taking the papers after.

She left the office and flash-stepped her way to the sixth barracks. she came upon the door and knocked, waiting for a reply.

"Come in."

Luna slid the door open and found only Renji.

"Lieutenant Abarai, where's Captain Kuchiki?"

"He just got called to the head captain's office, why?"

"I have some papers from Captain Ukitake for him."

"Thank you, I'll take those" he said grabbing the papers.

Their hands brushed against each other as the papers exchanged hands. Luna felt a shock go through her spine. She bowed in respect and left the office to return to her division. She didn't realize that brown eyes followed her all the way out.

Luna sat on a rock with her feet splashing in the lake. Birds chirped happily in the tree branches above. She smiled at the peace the area brought to her. Bushes ruffled behind her as she continued to glance at the water.


She spun around to face the man who spoke.

"Renji, what are you doing here?"

Luna got off the rock, but stayed by the edge of the lake. She stared at Renji, waiting for his answer.

"Looking for you" he answered walking up to her.



"Why" she questioned, glancing at the water again.

Renji took a step closer but tripped, grabbing Luna to stable himself, but both ended up soaked inside the cool liquid below. Luna accessed the situation before bursting out in a fit of laughter. Renji gazed at her, doing the same, then he cut her off with a kiss. He pulled away, and saw a wide-eyed girl before him.

"I love you, Luna."

She smiled.

"I love you too."

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