Cisco Ramon

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The black-haired girl slipped the note under the apartment door and left quickly without looking back. Blue eyes scanned the area around her as she left the building, thinking back on what happened to her friend and crush. The woman he'd been seeing for a year decided that she didn't want more with him, but stay at that stupid collector's agency. The girl looked back at the building one more time and hoped he would feel better after everything.

Later that day, Luna was in her kitchen making hot chocolate. Adding some marshmallows in her cup, she turned and began to walk into the living room. As she was passing her kitchen table Luna couldn't help but notice a letter just sitting there. Luna picked up the letter and read it as she took a sip of her drink. She nearly choked on her hot chocolate as she realized that the letter in her hands was the one she was suppose to give Cisco. Luna took a deep breath to suppress the panic that was about to arise. She put the letter down and went to lay on her couch, thinking he'll probably think nothing of it.

Luna woke up and looked at the time on her phone, 12:40 A..M. 'Who the heck is at the door this late' she thought as she got up to answer the door. She swung the door open to find Cisco with his hand raised to knock again.

"Cisco! Why are you knocking at my door at one in the morning?"

"Um..well..uh I couldn't sleep because of, you know, and I was wondering if we could hang out"

Luna smiled, "Of course."

She opened the door wider so Cisco can get in and shut it back into place before locking it. Luna turned and found Cisco browsing through her DVD collection. She left to it as she went to the kitchen to make popcorn. As the popcorn was in the microwave, Luna grabbed the bag of twizzlers she kept just for Cisco and two cans of Dr. Pepper and brought them to the living room. She set the stuff down on the coffee table and made her way back to the kitchen. Luna grabbed a large bowl just as the microwave beeped. She opened the bag and dropped the contents into the bowl and threw away the trash. She picked and the bowl and headed into the other room where she found Cisco putting in a DVD into the player.

"What'd you pick" Luna asked sitting on the left side of the couch.

"You'll see" he replied sitting on the other side.

She set the bowl of popcorn in the middle of them as Cisco skipped to the title menu. Letters to Juliet appeared on the screen, which confused Luna as she knew Cisco was more an action movie fan. She shrugged it off as he played the movie and put the remote on the table.

Throughout the movie Luna kept seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, which caused her to look a few times. All she saw was Cisco sitting there watching the movie eating his twizzlers. Luna just ignored whatever she so and continued to watch the movie.

After the movie was over Luna got up and stretched a bit.

"You want another drink while I'm in the kitchen" she asked grabbing the empty bowl.

"Nah I'm good" Cisco responded.

Luna nodded and went to the sink in the kitchen and deposited the bowl. She faced the doorway to find Cisco leaning against one of the frames.

"Do you need something Cisco" Luna asked with another bout of confusion hitting her.

Without saying a word, he pushed off the door frame and walked slowly over to her. Cisco lifted his hand up and brushed some hair behind Luna's ear. Her breath caught in her throat at the sweet gesture.

"Cisco" Luna whispered.

Cisco's eyes were filled with a mixture of emotions as he gazed into her eyes. Luna didn't want to move in case she somehow scared him off. He used the same hand to caress the back of his fingers against her cheek ever so gently.

"How long" he finally spoke asking a question.


"How long have you had feelings for me?" Cisco clarified.

Luna's eyes widen as a blush crept up her face. She spun her head to the ground not wanting him to see the red upon her face. Cisco lightly cupped her cheek and turned her to face him.

"Luna please tell me."


"Please Luna."

"S-Since we f-first met" she stuttered out avoiding meet his eyes with her own.

"That's before Gypsy" he whispered more to himself.

"Yes" Luna breathed out.

Cisco's eyebrows scrunched up, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"At first I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but Caitlyn convinced me to tell you. I finally worked up the courage to say something, but you started dating Gypsy so I kept my mouth shut" Luna responded.

"Luna look at me."

Luna moved her eyes from the floor to Cisco's brown ones.

"I love you too" he said placing a tender kiss on Luna's lips.

She kissed back wrapping her arms around Cisco's neck as he moved his down to her waist. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on to hers.

"Don't ever leave me" Cisco whispered.

"Never" Luna replied.

They got lost in another kiss as memories of the past slowly faded away.  

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