Spencer Reid

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Luna sat at her tiny desk off to the side waiting for the team to arrive. She was an intern learning the insides of the BAU and she was lucky to be with Hotchner's team. Luna had learned a great deal from them, especially Spencer Reid. He was the genius of the team and would not stop talking if he was asked a question about something, unless you shut him up. Luna would go to him if she had anything she didn't understand about a case they had, but would get distracted by how lost he would get into the information. Overtime she developed feelings for the genius, which the other team members caught on to. They keep trying to get Luna to tell Spencer how she feels but she's been too scared to tell him.  Today though she was gonna let him know of her feelings. She came in early to get everyone's coffee ready and she also set out a crossword puzzle on Spencer's desk. This puzzle wasn't the normal one from the paper but one Luna got especially made to tell Spencer her secret.

"Good morning Luna."

Luna looked up from playing with her hands and saw Garcia, Prentiss, and JJ.

"Good morning girls" she replied, giving a small wave.

"So are you going to tell Spencer about your feelings yet" Prentiss asked with a smirk on her face.

The other girls listened intently for Luna's response. Before she could tell them of her plan Derek and Spencer made their way into the room.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Derek asked, seeing the huddle of girls.

Luna glanced over at Spencer to see a curious look etched on his face, before she found interest in her hands.

"Nothing that you need to know about" JJ pushed the other girls away from Luna's desk.

Derek shrugged his shoulders before making his way over to the hot coffee. The girls followed him while Spencer went to his desk and found the crossword. He smiled at the puzzle and began to work on it. Luna stared at the genius completely absorbed in his puzzle for a minute before turning to find the others smiling at her with smirks. She got up from her desk not looking at the group and scurried to the restroom. Luna splashed cool water on her burning face and shut off the faucet. She gazed at her reflection with her blue eyes. Luna admired her shoulder length black hair which goes well with her light complexion. She was pleased with herself as she twisted away from the mirror. Luna made her way back to the office and found everyone gone. She went to go to the room she knew they would be in but someone wrapped their arm around hers.

"You'll be with me during this case Luna" Garcia explained as she dragged Luna to her space.

"Wait why aren't I going with the team?" she asked the blonde who brought another chair over to the array of computers.

Garcia didn't look at her as she sat down in front of the computers and typed away. Luna furrowed her eyebrows as she observed the information being pulled up on the screen.

After the case, Luna sat in Hotchner's office waiting with her report. The door opened revealing a very tired Hotchner.

"Luna what are you still doing here?" he regarded her with tired eyes.

"I have my finished report" she responded, "I also wanted to ask why I wasn't able to come on the case with the team?"

Hotchner let at a sigh knowing this question was coming his way. He observed the intern in front of him trying to formulate a sentence in his head. Coming up with nothing to ease the betrayal she was gonna feel he resigned himself to one sentence.

"Spencer asked me not to let you go on the case" he continued to analyze the woman in front of him.

Luna did not let one emotion cross her face as she handed Hotchner her report, thanking him for the information and left the office. Once the elevator doors closed she let out all the emotions she held back. She saw that the ground floor was approaching and composed herself just in time for the doors to open. She went to her car and drove to her apartment.

The next morning, she arrived later than she usually does and found everyone already there. She mumbled a morning to everyone before sitting at her desk and getting started on the work she didn't complete in the past few weeks. Luna missed the looks of concern her friends gave each other as they glanced back at the black-haired woman. Hotchner and Rossi came out of Hotchner's office and called the team to the conference room. After a while the team came out and gathered their travel bags and said farewells to Luna. Garica came over to her desk and sat on the end of it.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you" she asked quietly.

"No," Luna replied flatly.

Garcia stared at the woman writing some reports before defeatingly going back to her office to help with the latest case. Halfway through the case Luna found herself at Garcia's desk communicating with everyone on the team except Spencer. When he called she would remain quiet until Garcia was done talking to him.

"So what did boy wonder do to you?" Garcia asked spinning in her chair to face Luna.

"He's the reason I've not gone on any cases with the team later" Luna sighed picking at her fingers, "And I don't know why he would even do that."

She got up from her seat and turned to Garcia. Luna saw a mix of sadness and concern on her friend's face and she smiled at her to ease the concern for her.

"I'm okay Garcia. Could you let the team know if they need me to call my cell."

"Yeah I'll let them know."

Luna opened her eyes slowly not sure what woke her from the peaceful sleep she was having. She reached for her phone and saw that it was one in the morning.  Luna also noticed a text message from JJ letting her know the case was done and everyone is coming home. That text was sent two hours ago so she just cleared of the screen and pulled the covers closer to her body.  Luna fell back to sleep to her previous dream.

Luna rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she stepped off the elevator. She walked through one of the glass doors to find Spencer standing by her desk.

"What are you doing here so early?" Luna quirked her eyebrow at the man.

Without saying a word the genius strolled over to the woman, grabbed her face between his hands, and crashed their lips together. His soft lips moved gently against hers as if he was letting her know all the feelings he has. They broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes.

"I didn't want you to get hurt but I promise not to hold you back from cases anymore" Spencer whispered.

"Good because I was gonna make Hotch take me whether you wanted it or not " Luna stated pecking Spencer's lips before going to her chair and sitting down. Spencer shook his head with a small smile and returned to his desk to start his new crossword.

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