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Querl Dox, affectionately known as Brainy, was a genius among his friends and co-workers. Luna had met him when they had gotten together on the roof. She had just moved to National City to get a fresh start and met Kara during a story she was researching. Luna found out about Kara's secret pretty quickly and she became a part of the group. They invited her to the gathering where she met Querl Dox and she became infuriated with him upon first sight.

Luna was brought back to earth when someone's hand waved in front of her face. She blinked rapidly and turned to find Kara with a smile on her face.

"Kara hey, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you wanted to have lunch together."

"Oh yes let's go" Luna stood up from her desk and walked with Kara to her front door.

"You were thinking about Brainy again weren't you" Kara asked with a teasing tone. Luna's cheeks flared red at the mention of Brainy.

"No..okay maybe a little," the girl said. Kara laughed at the girl.

"You should tell him Luna," Kara encouraged.

Luna bit her bottom contemplating what she should do.

"Could you help me by giving him this?" She asked, pulling out an envelope from her bag. Luna slid it over to Kara who grabbed it with excitement.

"Of course!"

"Thanks Kara. Now I have to get back to my audience or else they'll have my head."

They both laughed as they hugged each other bye and went their separate ways.

Later that day Luna was chilling on her sofa reading something off her phone. The door to her apartment exploded as smoke filled the room. Luna didn't even have time to react before she was grabbed roughly and led out. She was shoved into a vehicle, which set her on edge even more. She tried to escape but only received a butt of a gun to the face.

"Don't try anything funny or the next time won't be so pretty."

Luna sat quietly bringing a hand up to her injury to bring it back down with red on the fingers. She could only hope that someone would get some help but nothing was for certain.

Chains rattled as the girl tried to get out of her binds. The cuffs cut deeper into her wrist as she struggled harder, letting out a frustrated yell when nothing happened. Salty tears slipped down the pale cheeks mixing with the dry blood.

"Someone please help me," the girl whispered.

"No one's coming for you Ms. Light" a man answered, coming into the room.

The man brought a chair in front of Luna and sat down.

"So we have reason to believe you know the identity of Supergirl."

The man took out a knife and spun it around. Luna stared the man dead in the eye and made no attempt to say a word.

"Suit yourself."

Sounds of fighting were heard before the metal door was knocked off the hinges. Supergirl stepped into the room and found Luna slumped in the chair. She broke the chains off the girl and made sure the girl in front of her was okay. Finding the girl just unconscious, Supergirl let out a sigh of relief.

"Guys I found her" she spoke into her earpiece, "But she's gonna need medical attention."

Luna groaned in pain as her eyes fluttered open but quickly shut again because of the light. She finally opened her eyes to find herself in a bed inside someplace that wasn't a hospital. Several people came through a door, which Luna recognized.

"Luna, how are you feeling?" Kara asked.

"Sore but alive, thank you Kara" she answered gratefully.

Kara's sister walked up to the bed with a serious face.

"Before you ask, they wanted to know who Supergirl was and they found something telling them that I knew," Luna explained.

"Thank you Luna" Alex said before leaving the room.

Luna glanced over at Kara, "I never told them."

Kara smiled and made her way to the bed. She gave Luna a hug before letting go.

"Thanks Luna. You're an amazing friend."

A throat cleared causing both girls to turn to the door to find Brainy there.

"Hey Brainy what's up" Kara asked.

"I was told to come and be a guard to Ms. Light" he answered.

Luna found herself looking at her lap with a blush painting on her face.

"Okay let me see if you have to stay here or if you can go home."

Supergirl left to get information about Luna's current state. Luna peeked up from her lap to find Brainy staring at her. He stepped over to her bed, as Luna followed him with her eyes. Brainy brushed his fingers lightly across Luna's first injury. He had a look in his eyes that Luna couldn't quite figure out.

"Brainy are you okay?"

"You're the one who's injured and you ask me if I'm okay."

She smiled slightly at the statement. Brainy leaned forward, which made Luna nervous.

"I was worried about you, especially after I found you shared the same feelings I do" he said.

Brainy closed the gap between the two. Their lips moved in sync as they let their true emotions through. They pulled away looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you Luna and I'll make sure no one hurts you again," Brainy declared.

"I love you too Brainy and I know you will" Luna hugged him.

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