Ichigo Kurosaki

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Gray clouds rolled slowly across the sky as light rain fell upon the town. A black-haired girl sat on a concrete decline with her legs pulled up to her chest. Her head was buried in her arms on top of her legs. A hand fell upon her shoulder which made the girl jump and turn to the person. Tears fell from blue eyes as they met brown ones. Orange hair fell in front of the eyes as the person tilted their head.

"Are you okay?" the male asked as he sat next to the girl.

The girl shook her head.

"Do you want to talk about it"

The girl shook her head again and buried her head back into her arms. She felt an arm wrap around her and another rub her arm.

"I'm here if you want to."

Luna looked at the paper in front of her thinking of the events of that day. Ichigo Kurosaki didn't have to stay by her that day but he did. They became friends from that day forward and now she was at her desk writing down her feelings for him today. She smiled and began writing down everything she's held in.

After school Luna met up with Ichigo and his friends as they walked home. One by one each friend went their separate ways until Ichigo and Luna were left.

"So how was your day?" he asked.

"It was school, how do you think it was?" she answered, sticking her tongue out.

Ichigo laughed and picked the female up.

"Ahhh, ICHIGO put me down!"

In the midst of all this something fell out of Luna's bag. Ichigo spotted it as he put the girl down and picked it up.

"Luna, why does this have my name on it?"

"Um..I was gonna give that to you before I went home" she said looking at the ground.

Luna heard the paper being moved around as her breath caught in her throat. She started shifting from one foot to the other thinking of all bad scenarios as the time seemed to expand. Luna couldn't take it anymore and took off running to her house. She made it to her door and tried to unlock it but dropped her keys. Luna grabbed them and unlocked the door, going inside and slamming it behind her. She locked the door before holding it close with both her arms, panting heavily. Luna fell to her knees still having negative thoughts running through her head.

"It was stupid to even write that letter. I should have just left our friendship alone." Luna got up and went to her room. She got everything ready to take a shower before going into the bathroom.

The next morning Luna got to school early to avoid walking with Ichigo and his friends. She knew he needed to talk to her by the amount of missed calls and texts she got from him. Luna couldn't bring herself to look at any of them thinking he was trying to let her down gently. She went through all of her classes not talking to any of Ichigo's friends who tried to talk to her as well. At lunch Luna didn't leave her classroom at all, opting to stay and do homework.After school she hurried through the crowds and out the gates. Halfway home Luna looked behind her to make sure Ichigo wasn't there. She turned back with a breath of relief, before she heard a growl. Luna looked up to find a massive black thing with a white face looking back at her. She screamed and ran as fast as she could away from the creature. Unfortunately she wasn't fast enough because it caught up and grabbed her into its massive hand.

"HELP! HELP ME PLEASE" Luna yelled hysterically.

"No one's going to help you," the creature laughed. It opened its mouth wide as it moved her closer. Tears fell from Luna's eyes as she saw her life flash before her. Just as the creature was going to eat her something flashed between them. A howl of pain left the creature's mouth as Luna fell. She gazed at the sky with some relief that she wasn't getting eaten by a hideous creature. Luna felt something catch her and land. She looked up and found the person she had been avoiding dressed in all black with a sword on his back.

"Ichigo," she whispered.

"Luna, go and hide. I'll take care of the hollow" he said, setting her down.

She immediately did what he said and looked on as he fought against the creature. Ichigo finished it off as Luna looked on in stunned silence. She sank to the ground and began sobbing uncontrollably. Luna felt arms wrap around her as she continued to cry.

"I'm here Luna, I'm here" she heard.

"Ichigo" Luna sobbed.

"I'm right here" He said, tightening his hold on the girl.

"Wh-What was that?" Ichigo pulled apart from Luna and saw the fear in her blue eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It was called a hollow." he explained.

Luna had a look of confusion on her face at his words.

"Come on, let's get you home and I'll tell you everything."

Luna sat on her couch, wrapped in a blanket still processing everything Ichigo just told her. She glanced at the man beside her who was waiting for her to say something.

"You're amazing, you know that," Luna said.

Ichigo had a shock written on his face not expecting those words. He quickly recovered and smiled at Luna.

"Well I think you're amazing too" Ichigo said, "And I also have been trying to talk to you about your letter."

Luna froze in her seat at the mention of the letter. Ichigo moved over the girl and pulled her close.

"I love you too," he whispered before kissing her.

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