Jushiro Ukitake

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Blue eyes searched the room, not finding a certain person in the office. With a final deep breath, the black-haired girl rushed over to the desk and placed a letter on it. She scurried out of the office as fast as she could before the person returned. Once the girl was far enough away, she let out the breath she was holding. She leaned against a tree, wondering if he opened the letter yet.

"Hey Luna" a female voice called out.

Luna turned her head to her friend Rukia walking up.

"What's up, Rukia."

"Nothing, just got done delivery some papers to my brother."

"Oh, okay."

"What's up with you Luna."

"Nothing, just heading home."

Rukia looked suspicious as Luna pushed off the tree.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later, Rukia."

The next day, Luna was going around giving the captains more paperwork. She had one more stop to make at the thirteenth captain's office. Luna knocked on the door softly, waiting for a response.

"Come in."

Luna slid the door open to find Captain Ukitake at his desk. After sliding the door closed, she walked up to his desk.

"Here you go, Captain Ukitake."

"Thank you Luna."

Luna bowed and went to leave his office. She had her hand on the door when she realized someone was behind her. Luna spun around and found the captain.

"C-Captain Ukitake."

He smiled as his hand brushed softly against her cheek. Luna watched wide-eyed as the captain leaned closer.

"Captain Ukitake, I need to speak to you," Rukia burst through the door, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No Rukia, Luna was dropping off some papers."

Ukitake walked back to his desk calmly as Luna rushed out the door. Rukia stared after her friend, wondering if she was alright.

"You had something to talk about."

"Oh, yes."

Later that day, Luna sat up in a tree. Her mind clouded with thoughts as she looked up at the setting sun.

"Luna where are you."

She looked down and saw Captain Ukitake by the tree, looking around.

"Up here."

Ukitake raised his head and smiled at the girl above.

"Could you come down here, please?"

"Um, okay."

Luna jumped off the tree and landed right next to Ukitake. She glanced at the ground, not able to meet his eyes after early. His hand gently lifted her face up.

"Don't be shy."

Luna stared into the man's beautiful eyes, unable to respond. He leaned forward and placed his lips upon hers. Surprised, she just sat there not knowing what to do. Ukitake pulled away with a soft smile.

"Thank you for the letter."

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