Sweeney Todd

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The black-haired girl made her way up the wooden steps to the barber shop. She peeked inside to see if anyone was in the room. Finding no one the girl crouched down and smoothly sent the envelope under the door's crack. Standing up from her position she made her way down to the pie shop where her friend Mrs. Lovett would be. The girl opened the door to the shop and found no one in sight, which left her confused. She shut the door behind and walked further into the dining area. The girl turned upon hearing muffled voices that were getting louder. Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd stepped into view.

"Oh Luna it's so good to see you" Mrs. Lovett exclaimed taking the girl into a hug.

"Hi my friend how are you" the girl responded hugging back.

After hours of catching up with her friend, Luna called it a day. She said goodnight to Mrs. Lovett and went on her way to her house. The sun was sinking slowly into the sky as Luna made her way back to her apartment. When she made it back, Luna proceeded to get ready for bed. After she was finished, Luna got under her purple quilt and tried to fall asleep.

For several weeks Luna would visit the barber shop above Mrs. Lovett's to drop off her letters under the door and then visit her friend down below. She would never see Sweeney when visiting and it made her heartbroken but would had it from the outside world, One day while spending time with Mrs. Lovett, Luna got asked to help in the now busy shop, she accepted.

One particularly busy night, Mrs. Lovett asked Luna to go down into the basement and get some more pies. She walked down the old stairs care not to trip and made her way over to the oven for new pies. Luna grabbed a tray of fresh and golden pies and started to head back to the stairs. She turned back when a click was heard from behind her. Luna saw a door in the roof swing open and a body drop with a sicken crunch on the ground. She stood there for a few minutes stunned at the bloody man that was before her. Then everything made sense as the shop went from being empty to full over night.

"I'll definitely not be eating another pie here again" Luna spoke out loud as she walked back up to the busy shop above.

Luna was wiping up the last table as Mrs. Lovett washed the dishes and put them on the dry rack. Both women looked up at the door opening, but it was only Sweeney coming in. Luna grabbed the spray bottle next to her and went to put it and the rag away. She past Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney talking quietly amongst themselves in the living quarters of the building. Luna strolled over to the open space marking the different rooms.

"I'm heading home now Nell. See you tomorrow." she called to the pair, turning to the door.

"Okay luv, be careful" Mrs. Lovett replied not glance back.

Luna peaked over her shoulder and saw Sweeney staring at her completely ignoring a still chatting Mrs. Lovett. She quickly snapped her head away, hiding the blush that was slowly creeping across her skin. Luna felt like she was tripping over herself with how fast she left the shop. She took a deep breath after putting some distance between her and the pie shop or really Sweeney and his intense stare. Hopefully he hasn't figured out the letters she's been leaving are actually hers. Right now she would have no words as to why she took up leaving him letters. Maybe Luna was able to express feelings for the barber better on paper then with spoken words. Letters can be sent anonymously and contain whatever the writer's desire whether it be hate or love. Where as telling someone your feelings face to face can be more intimidated. As those thoughts came to an end, Luna opened her apartment door and went in. She did her nightly routine and slipped under the slightly chill quilt. Luna watched shadows dance on her ceiling for a few minutes, before rolling on her side to face the white wall.

"I love you, Sweeney Todd" she whispered to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

For several months, Luna had continued helping out with the customers wanting pies. She had also left envelopes under the door of the barber shop everyday of those months. Today was no exception and Luna started by slipping another letter the door, and she went downstairs to the pie shop. She went through the door and was immediately stopped by a voice.

"Luna what are you doing here? I told you not to come in today" Mrs. Lovett walked in from her living room.

"Nell you know I don't like sitting home alone, so I came here" she replied to her friend.

"You will not work today and that's final" Mrs. Lovett stated walking out her shop.

Luna gapped at the door her friend just went through confusion making a home upon her face. Mrs. Lovett came back in with Sweeney following in tow. She strolled over to the black-haired girl whose eyes have widened.

"Mr. Todd has agreed to take you out for the day" Mrs. Lovett explained.

"Oh" Luna managed.

Sweeney held out his arm for Luna, who took it still shocked at her friend's actions. They left the owner to get ready for the oncoming customers.

"So why does Mrs. Lovett not want your help today" Sweeney asked look down at the woman next to him.

"Well she hates when I don't celebrate my birthday like everyone else" Luna replied.

Sweeney stopped in his tracks which caused her to stop too.

"Are you okay" Luna sweetly questioned.

"Yes, it's your birthday today" he asked.

Luna glanced away while nodding.

Sweeney put his hand under Luna's chin and tilted her head towards him, "I'll make it the best birthday you ever had."

After the intimate moment, they went about their day strolling around. Sweeney at one point bought her a single red rose, which she kept close to her. They had lunch in a small cafe and talked for hours about anything and everything. Finally the pair stop by the pier. The water glistened with the light of the full moon. Sweeney faced Luna with a look he hadn't shown in awhile. She gazed into his dark eyes with her blue ones, a soft smile upon her lips.

"How was your day?" he inquired.

"It was absolutely amazing" Luna smiled wider, "Thank you Sweeney."

"There is one more thing" Sweeney stated leaning closer.

Her heart sped up thinking of what he could be doing. Sweeney brushed her ear with his breath, which sent shivers down her spine.

"I know you're the one behind the letters" he whispered in her ear.

Luna froze at what he said not wanting anything terrible to ruin this day. She pulled back just enough to see Sweeney's face.

"I saw you one morning slipping a letter under my door." he answered Luna's unspoken question.

Sweeney wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She borrowed her face in his chest to hide her embarrassment from him. He put his head on top of hers and just enjoyed the moment with her.

"I feel the same way" Sweeney spoke breaking the moment.

Luna peered up at him, "You do?"


He captured her lips into a soft yet passionate kiss. They broke the kiss after what felt like minutes, but was only seconds.

"I love you Luna" Sweeney said rubbing his nose against hers.

"I love you too Sweeney" she replied with a smile.

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