Johnny Depp

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Luna watched in horror as Stephanie gave her crush the open journal. The air left her lungs as both people turned to the wide-eyed, fear ridden girl. Luna took off running, passing trailers and people who called her name in concern. She didn't care about anything except getting far away from the terrible situation. Luna rushed passed the gates that protected the set of the movie from the outside world and sped up her pace, tears all the while trying to claw their way out of the girl's eyes. She slowed down in front of a random building breathing heavily or so she thought. Turns out Luna had managed to run all the way to the hotel that cast stays at. She walked through one of the doors of the hotel and made her way to the elevator. Once inside she pressed the number to her floor and waited anxiously for the metal doors to open again. A ding was heard as the elevator reached the desired floor, Luna scrambled out and to her room. She reached into her pocket for her key card and unlocked her hotel room. She slumped down the wood after closing the door and let the stinging tears out.

Luna got up after what felt like hours of crying and trudged over to her open suitcase. She plucked a pair of pajamas and panties and dragged her feet to the bathroom. Luna laid her clothes on the counter, catching a glimpse of her red, puffy eyes in the mirror. She quickly turned away just wanting to forget the previous events. Luna twisted the knobs of the tub until she had the perfect temperature. Luna stripped out her clothes and got into the tub, closing the curtain. She let the water cascade down her skin, releasing the tension from her muscles. Luna cleaned herself with the soap, shampoo, and conditioner and got out after rinsing it all away. She threw on her clothes after drying off and shuffled out of the bathroom. Luna fell on the bed and couldn't help but think back to the events of today. Warm tears leaked out of her eyes and to the mattress below. She buried her face into the pillow and sobbed harder. After some time sleep crept over the girl like a shadow and she fell into her dream world.

The next morning, Luna called into work claiming to not feel so well. Her boss understood and told her to get better and she thanked him before hanging up. Luna snuggled into the warmth of her cocoon blanket and tried to fall back to sleep. Unfortunately, those pesky thoughts found their way back inside her head, which led to her thinking about him. The man was so sweet and kind to everyone on set. Luna could get lost in his chocolate brown eyes and that short brown hair probably is so soft. He looked even more amazing with his sense of style and the different tattoos over his body. Luna let out a sad sigh thinking her chances with him were probably slim to none now. This time she was able to fall asleep with thoughts of the handsome man.

Luna was startled awake by a knock coming from the door. She fell off the bed untangling herself from the blanket. Luna got up and stumbled a little going over to the door. She opened without looking through the peephole and instantly regretted that decision. Luna tried to slam the door but a foot prevented it from closing any farther.

"Luna can we please talk" Johnny's voice came through the crack in the door.

She held the door in place while having her face buried in her arms. Sniffles were heard as tears slid down Luna's cheeks.

"Luna please let me in" he pleaded.

Luna let go of the door and moved back a few steps. She had her head down but heard the door clicked shut. Arms wrapped themselves around the girl as she continued to cry. Once the tears were gone a hand gently lifted Luna's head up. She saw concern within those eyes of his, but also another emotion she couldn't describe. He brought his other hand up and wiped away the lingering tears so gently that Luna's heart sped up.


"Close your eyes"

Confusion wrote itself upon her face at the statement.

"Close your eyes Luna" Johnny repeated softly.

Luna hesitated for a second before closing her eyes. She felt his fingers move across her cheek as if they were feathers. Luna felt a warm sensation on her ear as Johnny shifted closer.

"I can make you feel all the things you described in your journal" he whispered.

Luna's face flushed a tomato red as she tried to pull away, but Johnny's arm came around her waist and trapped her body against his. He peppered kisses from her ear to her jawline, which felt amazing to her. Luna felt his lips hovering inches from hers.

"But I want to take you out for dinner first" he said before capturing her lips in a kiss.

Luna melted at how soft his lips felt against hers. They pulled away breathlessly and looked into each others' eyes.

"Will you come to dinner with me Luna" he spoke a bit louder.

"Yes" she responded with a smile.

Johnny swept her into his arms and carried to the bed which surprised Luna. He led on the bed gently and got comfortable next to her.

"We'll go later tonight but now we cuddle" Johnny said pulling her closer.

Luna let out a laugh and snuggled into his chest not wanting this moment to end.

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