Damon Salvatore

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Luna sat on the sofa in Elena's house writing in her journal. She had a new idea for a poem and had quickly grabbed her book. The girls had returned from the kitchen with soda and popcorn. Caroline snatched Luna's journal from her hands.

"Hey give that back" Luna shouted hopping off the couch.

"Oh come on Luna this is supposed to be a girls' night," Caroline said.

"Caroline just give Luna the book back" Elena spoke, setting the popcorn on the coffee table.

"Oh my god is this about Damon" Caroline shrieked reading Luna's new poem.

Luna snatched the journal from the blonde's hand. She stuffed it angrily in her messenger bag. Luna threw it over her shoulder and stormed out the front door. The girls all yelled for her to come back but she refused to listen. Luna got to her door and unlocked it with her key. She walked in, closed the door, and locked it. Luna threw her bag on the floor and went upstairs. She changed into her pajamas and got under the blue covers.

After last night Luna decided to avoid the girls throughout the school day. She finally let out the breath she was holding when the bell for lunch rang. Luna left the History class and made her way through the throngs of students to the courtyard out front. She avoided the groups' usual table and sat at a table at the edge of the court. As Luna was pulling her lunch out of the brown paper bag she spotted the others arrive at the other table, all except Caroline. She took a bite out of her sandwich thinking of where Caroline could be. Luna choked on her water when she spotted said blonde walking up to the table with the older Salvatore brother in tow. She grabbed her trash and threw it away before disappearing into the school.

Luna made it through school without running into any of the girls. She walked the few blocks to her house and walked up to her front door. Luna unlocked the brown door and took off her shoes as she closed and locked it. She made her way up to her room and let out a scream when she went in. There in the middle of her room stood Damon Salvatore.

"Damon what the hell are you doing here" Luna gasped out hand over her chest.

"Caroline says you've been avoiding everyone since last night," he said, "She also told me it had something to do with me."

Her eyes went wide at the information and she took a step back out into the hall. Luna shook her head and turned away from the man not knowing what to say. She proceeded to the stairs feeling numb, echoes of a voice calling her name far away. Luna made it to her foyer before she was pushed gently into the wall. She looked into the concern-filled blues eyes of Damon.

"Luna, what's going on?" he asked, still keeping eye contact with you.

"M-My bag" Luna whispered.

Damon glanced around for the bag and found it laying next to her shoes. He picked it up and brought it over to Luna who had slid down the wall. She grabbed the bag and pulled out a book.

"I was waiting to give this to you for your birthday," Luna said, ripping a paper from the book.

She handed it to Damon who took it with a look of confusion written on his face. Luna watched as his eyes moved across the page wondering what reaction she'll get. Luna swallowed the lump in her throat as Damon got done reading and glanced up at her. Disbelief washed over his face as he looked at the paper again.

"Do you mean this?" Damon softly spoke, his gaze not breaking from the sheet.

"I do," Luna whispered, glancing at her lap.

Damon folded the paper and put it into his back pocket. He brought his head down and captured Luna's lips with his own, letting all his emotions go into that one kiss.

"Thank you," Damon said, leaning his forehead against her own.

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