Reverb (Francisco Ramon)

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   Luna watched as the news told of The Flash failing to catch Reverb again. She was secretly happy that Reverb got away safely. Luna's had a crush on him for awhile, but nobody knew about it. She kept a journal with her at all times that had letters to him containing her feelings. She opened to a fresh page and began writing another letter.

The smell of coffee filled Luna's nose as she walked into Jitterbugs. She sat in a back corner and listened to the soft music playing. Luna browsed through her emails on her phone as another person entered the place. She glanced up at the sound of a click and stared in fear at a man with a gun.

"Everybody bring their belongings right here and no will get hurt" the man stated pointing at his feet.

One by one people got up out of the seats and placed their belongings at the man's feet. Luna remembered her journal of letters and tried to grab it from her messenger bag as the man was distracted. Before she could fully get the book out everything went black.

Luna heard muffled voices as a groan slipped from her lips. She opened her eyes but quickly hid them from the harsh light. Luna blinked a few times and found a male EMT above her.

"Hey how are you feeling?" the man asked.

"Like a jackhammer is pounding against my head" Luna answered sitting up, "What happened?"

"You were knocked out by a robber" he stated helping her up.

Luna nodded to the man as she looked around the coffee shop. Many of the customers were talking to uniformed police, while others stood with their friends or family. Blue and red lights flashed from outside as Luna turned to the EMT and thanked him. She walked slowly outside as flashes of the event overtook her mind. Luna realized with a heavy heart that her journal was gone. She set off for her apartment wondering what could have happened to it.

Luna awoke with a start, not sure of what woke her. She pulled the cover off and got up from the bed. She headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water. Luna grabbed a glass from the top cabinet next to the sink. She turned on the faucet and filled it half way and shut the water off. Luna gulped down the water and placed the glass in the sink sighing as she did so. Pushing off the counter, Luna turned to go back to her room, but stopped in her tracks when she saw her journal on her table.

"I found it on a petty thief" a male voice rang out.

Luna spun towards the voice and watched as Reverb, himself, stepped from the shadows. She took a few steps back from him not believing he was here right now.

"H-How did you get in here" Luna asked confused.

"Same way I get away from The Flash" he answered stepping forward.

Luna nodded as she looked down at her feet chewing on her bottom lip. A hand brushed gently against Luna's cheek before settling under her chin and lifting it up.

"I never read it if that's what you're worried about" Reverb whispered.

Luna shook her head as she stared into the eyes of the man she wrote to every night. She broke the contact between them to grab the journal off the table. Luna turned back to Reverb and held the book out to him.

"You should read it," she stated, "Once you're finished you can choose to leave or come to my room.

Luna left the man in the kitchen with her secrets as she shakily went back to her room. She couldn't believe the courage she had to give him that journal. It was too late to stop it now plus Luna needed to let Reverb know how she feels. Hopefully he would feel the same ran through her head over and over as she sat on her bed. Minutes ticked by as the fear of rejection clawed at the back of Luna's thoughts. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes as the feelings took ahold of her heart and throat. Luna was so wrapped up in trying to not shed the tears she didn't hear her door open and shut. Luna felt a gentle touch across her cheek. She looked up to find Reverb squatting in front of her.

"Do you really mean all of this" Reverb asked holding up the journal.

Luna nodded unable to speak as more tears slipped unnoticed. Reverb dropped the journal and wiped away all the tears gently.

"You'll be putting yourself in danger if you love me" he continued.

"I don't care" Luna finally spoke.

Reverb stroked her cheek softly looking into her blue orbs for any signs of deception. Luna grabbed his hand and closed hers around it. Something in Reverb snapped at that action and he pulled her into a kiss. After a few seconds they broke apart looking into each other's eyes.

"If we do this you can't tell anyone about us, you understand" Reverb spoke in a serious tone.

Luna nodded before claiming his lips in another kiss. Reverb accepted the kiss and made a promise to himself to protect this precious gem that came into his life, all because of a journal.

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