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When Emelia approached the group she recognised two of the boys as Toby and Jack, joined by a brunette and a pretty girl with pink hair.

"Ayup" Jack said to Emelia when she came over. " So this is the Dave?"

"David my beloved" Emelia sung as she patted the dogs head. "Where's the child?"

"He couldn't come, important cool people business" Toby said, stroking Dave.

"Peak" Is all she responded.

Emelia pulled out her phone and opened snap chat.

you: Toby said your doing cool people things
you: i think he's lying tho because u ain't cool 😎

Child: fuck you
Child: and tell tubbo i said he's an arse <33

you: wtf is a tubbo?

Child: er

Child is typing....

"Holy shit this mans been typing for five minutes straight" Emelia complained, the group bursting into laughter.

Child: His nickname, he likes being called Tubbo :)

you: okay child
you: also why the fuckkk did it take so long to type that?

Child: busy doing cool people things 😎
Child: busy wife having👍

you: that's my queue to leave-

Emelia quickly shut of her phone, and turned her attention to the other two people in the group. "I'm Emelia, nice to meet you" She smiled.

"I'm Niki" The pretty girl said, pulling Emelia into a hug. "Can I call you Lia?"

"Take my hand in marriage-" She responded, Emelia could tell her and Niki were going to be good friends.

"GOGY" Jack yelled, snapping the two out of their platonic moment. "Gogy Tubbo is bullying me"

"God you sound like more of a child than Tommy" Emelia wheezed. "Also good work Tubbo. Can I call you tubbo? I'm gonna call you tubbo" She rambled, ignoring Jacks bickering.

"I'm George." The brunette introduced when Jack had stopped bickering, "I'm colour blind"

"I'm ginger"

"Are you actually?" George asked with surprise.

"Nah you lying.. you can see my hair colour riiiight?"

"Nope" He replied, popping the P.

"AHHHHHH" Emelia screamed, grabbing onto Dave's leash and running off.

"Is she normally like that?" Tubbo asked between laughs.

"Yeah. Bring ginger is her only personality trait sometimes" Yasmin responded.

"Like George's is being colour blind." Niki added, the group bursting into a fit of laughter

Air Drop - TommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now