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you: Why do you call yourself tommy?
you: whyd you need the extra -my?
you: makes you sound like even more of a child.
you: LOL

Tommy's phone kept on buzzing during his stream. The idiot had forgotten to take his phone off of loud so he had the constant ping of snap chat echoing through his room.

The chat, of course couldn't let it pass, constantly spamming and trying to alert the blonde off his eager friend.

Tommy was doing his best to ignore the chat, and the ping of his phone, however it was severely affecting his gameplay. "Holy shit chat how am i meant to become a GOD at pvp if you lot won't shut up" He joked, glancing at his phone.

A heat rose to his cheeks when he saw several messages from Emmy on his phone, hoping the chat didn't notice.

userrr69: SimpInnit?
User: Aweee tommy's a simp confirmed?
RanbooLive: Stop flirting with Tubbo >:(
Tubbo: Not me bossman, one of his many wives.

"Yes Tubbo, your correct. One of my many wife's are messaging me." He said, swallowing away the blush." Bit clingy tho might have to get rid of that one innit" He said playfully.

He was lucky Emelia didn't know he was a streamer.

Tubbo: i'm telling her
WilburSoot: IRL of shes in your bed but i'm in your twitch chat???????

"Fuck off Wil, I am a minor" Tommy huffed, " Anyway boys, I think we are done for today. Cool stream CYA!" The blonde rushed, quickly pressing End live and relaxing back into his chair.

Child: Holy fuck did you wanna spam me any more?

you: i could do it more? :]

Child: not when i'm doing cool people things <3

you: why u giving me hearts for
you: simp



Child: and to answer your question.
Child: Longer name= more wives.

you: Suddenly my name is E because one wife is enough for me 😛

Child: Don't steal my wives.

you: maybe i'm just funnier and cooler?

Child: 🖕

Air Drop - TommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now