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A/N: DEDICATED TO @Sledner_is_Coming and @jakefriot4.
When Annabeth came back, I was sooo happy. I had given her a huge hug and promised her a kiss later, but there were more important things right then.

I gave Nico his medicine and the bottle said it would kick in in about 15 minutes. Annabeth had treated my shoulder wound which was a lot less purple now. Piper called me into where Jason was in his coma. After I treated Pipers leg, I went to Jason and felt his head. I got the heat warmers, put them in the microwave to a burning hot and ran to the room. I practically threw them on Jason because they were to hot for my hands.

"Percy. Heat warmers? You think that will work?!" Piper glared at me.

"Hey it's worth a shot because they is no medicine for Jason." I said softly and Piper looked down.

"I'm sorry I snapped."

"Hey, it's okay." I hugged her and she sniffed.

"Okay. C'mon Jason, wake up." Piper placed the heat warmers on his neck and chest. I never had to treat a comatized person with heat pads, so, you know, hopefully Piper put them right. I waited for 10 minutes with Piper to see a change. Piper just put her forehead on his chest next to the heat pad. Like, isn't that hot.

"I'm so sorry Piper. " I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Me too." Piper stayed there for about a minute. Then I got the message.

"I'll check on the others." I walked out awkwardly.

"Hey." I smiled at Annabeth who sat on the couch.

"Hey." She said weakly. "Should we get Thaila to her bed?"

"I will, you sit and relax."

"What about the kiss?" Annabeth pouted.

"Well, I was just thinkin of one, but if you want more, we could go in private."

"Sounds good. Meet me in my room." Annabeth got up and trudged to her room. I picked up Thaila and my shoulder flared in pain. Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad idea! I practically ran to her bed and threw her down, gently though. I put the covers on her and went into Annabeths room.

She was siting on her bed. I closed the door softly and Annabeth smiled.

"So." I say, wanting to smile so bad, but I have a plan.


"So what?" A plan to be annoying.

"Percy." She gave me the look and I laughed. I checked everyone and they were fine so my schedule is free.

"Okay. Okay." I put my hands in mock surrender. She stood up and kissed my lips. I kissed her back. Annabeths arms looped around my neck and my hands were on her waist and on cupped on her cheek. Her hand was tangled in my hair. I broke again and Annabeth looked confused.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, Im just a little hungry." We laughed and I opened the door to get some food because I just wanted some food right then. Leo was on the couch gasping for breath with a face almost blue.

"Leo! Breath! Like this." I put my hands in a 90 degree angle bent over my ears over my head to show how to get more air in your lungs. Leo shook his head and I waited for him to breath better.His face turned from a tinge of blue to red to a darker peach in minutes.


"Yeah, glad you made it."

"Lol me too."

"Did you just..."

"I've had a long day." Leo smiled and laughs.

"I think we all have. Maybe you should get some rest, huh?"

"Probably for the best." Leo gets up a little shakily and walks to his bed room. "You know," he stops in front of his door not bothering to turn around, "I never thought that this would happen to us. To anyone." Leo opens his door and disappears inside. I never thought it like that. I've always imagined surviving in a zombie world, but I guess I never thought it was real.

But I guess, I'm just surviving in a world people dream of.

I'm living in a dream world. A living nightmare.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now