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I woke up and yawned, tossing and turning. Last night I had a horrible nightmare.

I was running from a zombie with a gun. I had tripped and was cornered against a wall. Then the zombies eyes rolled back in his head and he said, "Goodbye." The gun raised, steadied, and it shot me, twice. Then he started eating when I was alive still. I screamed for help, knowing nobody could help.

Great nightmare. I threw off my blanket and tossed my body off the bed. Mornings. Opening the door, I rubbed my eyes and walked out. Leo was pacing up and down. He looked tired, like he got no sleep. Dark bags were under his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot. He smelled good, like Sea Island Cotten.

"Annabeth, I need to talk to you."

"Okay. Where?"

"Lets do it in the kitchen." I frowned and yawned one more time before following him.

"What's up, Leo?" I asked in concern.

"I had this horrible nightmare and then I heard a radio message." His eyes expression was dark.

"Tell me the nightmare first." Leo started talking and my eyes widened and I got really scared. I let my guard down, the strong personality shrunk and I thought of some logic to hide behind and say an explanation of how this could happen. I swallowed hard.

"Leo, I had exactly the same one with the same detail you explained it in in every way."

"Then what does it mean?" Leo ran his hand through his tangly black curls.

"I don't know." I bit my lip. "I don't know." I sighed. "Can you tell me
The radio message?"

"I memorized it." Leo looked uncertain and fiddled with his fingers. " 'There is no safe place. The whole world is infected. I repeat no where is safe, So far scientists haven't found....' " I just stood there. No reaction showing when really I freaking out inside. Surprise was first. The world. Then fear. The world. Determination was last. The world was infected.

"Annabeth?" Leo touched my shoulder.

"We have to tell the others. They need to know." I shook my head with a from look.


"No, it's not far to them. they have to be determined to live not live in fear wondering if there is a cure."


"JASON! THANK GOD!" Piper screamed and I ran with Leo to her. She was squeezing the life out of Jason.

"Jason!" I grinned.

"Piper, you're killing him!" Leo laughed.

"Oh sorry, J." Piper smiled and a tear fell on her cheek.

"I missed you." Jason smiled weakly and Piper started crying and smiling. She held his hand. Leo walked over and ruined the beautiful moment.

"Don't ever do that again!" Leo said in a scorn while smashing his cheeks together and kissed his cheek.

"Leo!" Jason grinned and Leo laughed. I haven't heard him this happy since.... well like a week ago.

"Do you want water?" I put my hand on his shoulder and he nodded. I grabbed a glass and filled it. Handing it to Piper, she gave him sips and propped his head up. Leo left and came back with Thalia resting her head on his shoulder as he smiled.

"I wanna show you something."

"It better be good. I woke up this early for it." She yawned and then looked up at Leo. "I swear if this is one of your stupid tricks just to wake..." Leo stopped in front of the doorway and Thalia stopped. I stepped away and Piper smiled gently.

"Jason?" She was quiet.

"Hey sis." Jason gave a small smile.

"JASON!" She grinned and pushed off Leo's body to rush over to Jason. Thalia ran from the side and crushed Jason's body into a hug. I grinned and high fived Leo.

"I heard you." Jason whispered.

"I know you did." Thalia wipe a tear from her face as she backed up. "I swear to this whole fricking world that if you ever do that, ever, and I mean ever, I will kill you." Thalia wiped another year from her cheek and pointed at Jason. He laughed weakly and coughed.

"It's hard to breathe, Annabeth." I frowned at Jason.

" Leo do you have your inhaler?" I asked him as he hugged Thalia.

"Uh, yeah. It's in my drawer. Let me go get it." Leo jogged and came back a minute later with his inhaler.

"Alright go ahead and give it to Jason."

"Hey Jason, guess what?" Leo grinned as Jason raised an eyebrow. "We get to share an inhaler! Yay!"

"Gross." Jason took the inhaler and Piper wiped the mouth of it for Jason and held his head up as he took it.

"Better?" I asked Jason after he breathed out.

"Better." He smiled.

Now that everyone was happy and smiling, Leo and I would have to soon tell them that their world they once known and loved is infected.

My one emotion I would have to keep is Determination. Always.

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