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I can't move. I can't talk. Im stuck in this chamber of unconsciousness. Yay.

" We need to get Jason, Piper and Nico medicine. And maybe even Percy. " Somebody said tossing open doors of the cabinets in the room I was staying in.

" I don't understand, Jason couldn't walk and then he couldn't wake? What's going on? Nico might have the same sickness which can get him in a coma state too. What do you think Annabeth?" Piper asked, concerned.

" I'm not an expert on sickness, but some of the fog inhalation could have hurt the lungs of both and cause some of the cells to die. And not breathing well put Jason into a coma to preserve breath." Annabeth replied, sounded pretty good to be. I mean not the part of part of my lungs dying, but the analysis and guess.

" Will he be okay? What medicine can we get him?" Piper sat down and touch my cheek. Her fingers were icy and threatened to send a chill over my body.

" We will need to go out there against the zombies, and maybe find someone real. Then we can see what they know, and find the cure for Jason and Nico. Also get some medicine for you're nasty leg and get Percy something or leave him to suffer."

PIPERS LEG!!! What the heck did I miss??!!

" Okay. Should I stay?"

" Yea."

" Oh and tell Percy to switch his pants again, it will save us a trip. And his pain." Piper called as I heard Annabeths footsteps close to the door. Annabeth snorted.

" I win, he is hurt, I'm a winner." Then she laughed and walked out. I wanted so badly to ask what's going on and are you okay, but my lips were shut in the darkness.

" Oh Jason, wake up soon and be okay." Piper kissed my forehead and walked out. It sounded as if she were limping which made me sad being helpless and not being able to confront her.

Footsteps echoed as someone walked in.

" You know, Piper told that scar ,from the stapler when you were younger, was cute and now I have to agree. But brother, don't get all weird about me saying that." The bed bounced as Thaila jumped on." You were always a leader in my eyes, not as good as me, but still great. You were a prize in mom and dads eyes, and I was just there. So to be not like you, I died my hair black and cut it to my shoulders. But still, you out beat me at everything. It bothered me back then, but now I don't care. You're a great brother and I love ya bro. So come back, my perfect little man. " Thaila sighed and I smiled on the inside. That was my nickname back then, and now it makes sense. " Now don't get all weird after what I said. They can't know I'm a softie, again, me trying not to be like you. You're caring and kind, I'm harsher and awesomer. Whatever perfect little man, don't give up." Thalia touched my lip with her finger and then got up and walked away.

Dying I guess makes you're sister nice to you. I shouldn't do it more often, it's really unnatural. I just hope none of my other friends are dying like me, that would suck.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now