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Percy got stabbed in the shoulder because of me. Or was it Thalia that smashed into me? But now he have to get out there right now because Percy is stabbed, Pipers leg, Nicos sickness, and Jason's coma. We really have to get out there and get some medicine. Now it's only Me, Leo and Thalia. We grabbed weapons carefully and got a pack of water. In three different backpacks there was blankets, food, water, daggers, matches, flashlights, and clothes. There was probably more I didn't see pack in though.

" Annabeth." Percy grabbed my arm as I took a deep breath and was going out of the vault. I turned and he looked me in the eyes and kissed me. We stood there for about a minute kissing before I had to pull away.

" I love you." I lightly kissed him on his lips. I started to walk away and up the ladder.

" I love you too. Please be safe." Percy pleaded.

" I will. Don't let anyone die." He nodded.

" 3 days."

" What?" I asked, confused.

" I calculated the pain meter and sickness." Percy said, serious.

" 3 days to get the medicine and back?" I was shocked and understood time was a sickness too. It would eat us away and there was no cure.

" Yes. Go, don't turn back. Think of us when you want to stop. We will die, please save us." Percy winced in pain as he pointed with his back arm to the ladder.

" I'm sorry to force you and push you to he limit. Be we will die. Of infection, sickness, and the not right treatment. Don't leave your team waiting and us." Percy was tense and he walked over and lightly brushed his lips against mine." I trust you Annabeth."

" I won't fail you." I held his hand against my chest for a second. Then I let go and rushed up the ladder motives by his speech.

" 3 days." I said as I reached the top as they were waiting.

" For them to live?" Leo asked.

"Yes. Lets not fail them."

"We cant." Thalia agreed.

" Okay what's the plan?" Leo asked.

" As much as i hate to say it, we have to spilt up. In your neighborhood, there's different places to get the medicines. Target, the thrift store, and the pharmacy."

" Okay who goes where?" Thalia asked.

"I'll go to the pharmacy which is 10 miles away, Thaila you go to the thrift shop 8 miles away, and Leo, go to Target which is about 12. I'll get the information on Pipers leg and Jason's coma, Thals you get the infection fighter, and Leo. Okay change of plans. Leo go with Thalia, together you both will get the infection fighter and pills for fever, just stack up on sickness stuff."

" You sure about this Annabeth."

" More than anything in my whole life."

"Okay Leo, lets roll."

" Take out your weapons." I pull out my 6 inch dagger, Leo pulls out a super pointy 10 inch dagger, and Thalia pulls out her bow and arrows. She practiced her whole life at the park, free lessons and she was bored. On her thigh I can see a 7 inch knife. I open the door and Thalia rushes out and pulls her bow up, sweeping the area. She gasped and I turn toward her.

" What's wrong?" I hissed.

" There's snow." Oh my freaking crap!! Stupid freaking snow at this freaking time freaking get in our freaking way. Frick!

" What the....."Leo mutters.

" Come on, they need us. That's what is driving me. You know, where you going? Good. See you here in a couple days." I start to run and stop. I jog back and kiss Leo and Thalia on their cheek.

" Good luck. Dont die or come home empty handed." I start to run in my jeans and light sweatshirt i got. Swinging my knife around, I pump my fists and run aware of any zombies. The cold threatened my lungs and my face. After five 5 minutes of sprinting, i could feel my face. I was exhausted and wanted to stop but they were counting on me. So, I slowed to a walk.
Then i saw a shadow, emerge from the shadows.

Stunning blue jewels of eyes stared at me. Green skin was peeling away and black and red blood stains lined everywhere. Rags held to cover and an arm was missing. The arm was sliced off and blood closely dripped from it as I saw the bone. Orange meat was slowly turning an infected color. Half the face was ripped off, wrinkles appearing at the corner of the left side of the mouth where the skin flap hung loosely. A scream was bottled up in my mouth and let loose. I fumbled with the dagger in my hand and stabbed the zombie. I let go of the dagger which was stuck in its chest. It fell backward, on contact with the ground and the head cracked. The brain and blood slowly squeezed out of the crack and I threw up. I grabbed my knife out of the chest of the zombie and cried. I could have killed someone who was a victim. But I was the victim. I sprinted not wanting to encounter the zombies ever again. But I knew this wouldn't stop, no matter how much I wanted it too.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now