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Today we go out and face the zombies. Today we go and get medicine. Today is the day we live.

" Percy, Piper told me that you can change your pants around and put some underwear on."

" Yay. I think I was getting a rash!!"

" Okay we all set? We ready? Percy, Thalia , Leo?"

" One more thing." Leo said nervously. " Come with me so I can show you." Leo pointed to his room and started walking. Thalia's eyes narrowed and I shrugged. Annabeth walked in front of me and followed Leo. He opened a vault inside his room. Man, he has a lot of spare time.

" Down here I built a weapon range. It holds bows, guns, and knifes. If we have to survive, we have to survive." Leo shoved his hands in his pocket.

" Were you expecting this or did you just build it?" Thalia asked in awe and slight anger.

" Uh, well I built the room for a extra and forged the weapons. I went to this camp that my dad wanted me to go to. He loves building and thought i should take from him. " Leo was now shy probably because half of his friends didn't like him that much anymore. I did, Annabeth does, Piper, and maybe Jason I can't really ask him.

" Good job Leo. This is great!" I pat him on the back and jump down. There was a light switch that I turned on and white lights flickers slowly to life showing the daggers, hammers, bows, and swords.

" At least he didn't leave us defenseless as he withheld information."

" Oh Thalia, shut up. He didn't want to scare us, okay." Annabeth glared at Thaila and jumped down. She wasn't looking as Thaila jumped and slammed into me on reflex , making me fall into the swords rack. Swords wiggled free and fell on me, who might i add, was still in shock of how many sharp pointy things were in the room.

" PERCY!!" Annabeth screamed. I covered my neck and a sharp pain hit my shoulder. I was flustered and cried in pain. Leo hopped down and shoved Thalia and Annabeth out I the way to help me.

" Ow." I moaned as Leo lifted the rack off of me.

" Help me." Leo shouted through gritted teeth. Annabeth came out of the shock and helped Leo lift the swords rack up. I groaned as Annabeth gasped and Leo got nervous.

" Holy Hades. I don't even believe in Greek, but this is a good time."

" Just help me." Pain flared in my side. Leo ripped something from my side and black dots swam my vision. A cry o pain escaped my lips and Thalia finally helped pick me up and we climb the hatch. Leo went first and he pulled me up as Thalia and Annabeth pushed me up.

" Piper, get over here." The voice was fainted and swimming away from my ears.

" What the......"

" Help me please." I was lifted into a bed and people were rushing around.

" ..... NO MEDICINE!!....." The bad news would've smacked me in the face, but now they were a punch in the stomach, and punch that knocked me out cold.

Percy Jackson with zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now